Definitions are intent dependent.
In my opinion, the brain gets too much adapted from daily use so that you get a psychological addiction.
Edit: have a great Christmas time and do something with people that matter!
I see that there is much misunderstanding from the non-defined word addiction in this thread.
Indeed every entity seriously judging about it has its own nailed down definition.
For example the psychological or the state-statistics etc.
I think it's important to clarify the wordings a bit more. Since everyone is having their own idea of what addiction is, I will start with mine which developed when thinking about Cannabis usage and the difference to
Dependence is pretty clear, you have to have it to function properly. This is true for nutritions and air biologically. However, dependence on other things like dope or caffeine should not be seen as the same since it's not really necessary but
Still, this can be without much harm to anyone like caffeine as a widespread example.
So what's addiction then?
If you not only need a thing permanently in your life but life starts to circle around that thing, resulting in actions normally not even considered (like lying/stealing) to get IT, this would be an addiction in my opinion.
This is why the psychological definition needs multiple (life disturbing) symptoms to come together, such as loss of self control, increasing tolerance, usage despite negative consequences etc.
So to answer the thread's question:
It can be. Maybe you are a medical user
depending on it for a good life, maybe you have a psychological addiction that keeps you doing it even though it's not the best thing to do. I think most people who use it daily develop a psychological addiction naturally (dopamine system is disturbed), some might be resistant and medicals should do it regardless.
I assume the thread starter wanted to get an answer in regard to the "average forum members definition". So that's my opinion as part of that.
Sorry for the giant post.
Stay aware.