I've been dealing with Reflux for decades. In my experience, the most important factors that drive it are overweight, smoking, alcohol, coffee/tea, acidic foods (tomatoes, all citrus fruits/products/drinks) and hot, spicy, greasy or fried foods. Other things may count, but those were the biggies for me. I had to get rid of my overweight, significantly cut alcohol consumption and stop smoking tobacco before I was able to beat it. I've had to avoid everything citrus and keep coffee and tomato consumption to a reasonable minimum to keep it away. I can smoke or vape weed, but I also have to keep that to a moderate level.
If what you're starting into is actually Reflux, you're probably in for a long, drawn-out battle. My experience was that my conquering and controlling that list of demons above was the only thing that enabled me to beat it. Different MD's tried to stuff pills in my mouth over the years, but what I read about the pills, their side effects and lack of efficacy kept me from ever going the pill route. I beat it and I've kept it away for years (although it's never further than an arm's length away) without any OTC or prescription pills.
If your symptoms persist after serious DIY corrective efforts, you should see a doc. Good luck with it.