What up, shorty?
You know, I think it's pretty classy of me that I still love you even though now I have to log into FC every damn time I visit!
Okay, this should be the only time we address each other on this board. Let's not be one of those 'forum couples' who sit in the same room and yet talk to each other on the board... lol. I'll have to slap us.
l... if she agrees to vape it and give me the ABV.
You guys need to stop reminding me how much I want a lady that'll grind my bud and load my vapes for me
ABV is good, mostly depending on how far you take it. I've greened out from too much of it a few times. Maybe not enough cannabinoids to make inhaling so much worth it but it's good. Next time I do anything with ABV I'm going to try to do an ISO wash on it and do a good purge. I should be left with just icky oil, which should be easy to mix with a little bit of coconut oil, soy lethicin, and put in capsules
Cold coffee is bad coffee none of that microwave shit, either!
Fff... I meant cold coffee that was warm. Iced coffee and cold brew coffee is fine!
... Iced coffee and cold brew coffee is fine!
Not exactly AVB but I have been reclaiming while cleaning glass and vaporizer bowls with ISO (I try to keep the parts clean, so I claim only good, that I strain with a coffee filter), and got .15g of clean amber looking oil from a little while of cleaning.
It was not good on the nail as always with reclaim or AVB. I don't know why I even tried.. So, directly in the silicone container, I put a drop of coco oil to dissolve it into, I used my dabber to mix, then added some milk chocolate in this smooth mixture, then cap on and directly in the freezer to solidify it so I have been able to pop it in one piece, not a drop of loss I just ate it so I'll report. Taste was really not noticeable (more chocolate then coconut)
So that could be a great method to consume oils extracted from the AVB with alcohol. I will do some extracts with AVB and melt that into some of these chocolate truffles. I think it's much better to use it in an edible form. Vapor is only good when you have a great taste.
I still enjoy the traditional AVB+Coconut oil under heat, then strained, but the herbs traps at least a third of your goods. I think I can be able to wash off the AVB with alcohol instead. Alcohol you can reduce to nothing, not fats. You always end up wanting something more concentrated using oil as your solvant.
The whole point of my vaping is to produce ABV - which I then turn into amazing muscle/pain rub! I also add essential oils to the mix to further enhance the effects.
My next batch will be ABV oil with Frankinsence, Myrr, and Lavender. Rubbed on the soles of the feet, it helps to kill pain, and also promotes restful sleep.
The endocannabidoidal (spelling skills are gone) system can uptake through the skin, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. Feet especially are important, as they are a major point for uptake/elimination.
I have to start another batch today...
I agree, it tastes bad. I know some people like the taste, but I don't see how. When I mixed it in with oatmeal, it was masked by the flavor of lots of extra nuts and dried fruits that I added to the cerial. I wouldn't even waste my time with butter extraction!!Wow so many options. I am overwhelmed. I have a lot of ABV. What is the easiest way to get medicated off of it, without a huge list of instructions to get the job done? If possible the easiest and if even more achievable a method where I do not taste it. I tried ABV Milkshake. And maybe I did it wrong because it tasted like something I would never eat no matter how medicated it got me. So I am sure I failed.