AB 390-legalization of Marijuana in Caiforna


Well-Known Member
Yup, sticstones, that's what I was sayin' in my first post in this thread. Decriminalizing and taxing "could" make the price go up and because of the heavy taxes that will be imposed, I also doubt that any legalization would include the lawful ability to grow herb in your backyard. Growing for medical reasons is legal now in Cali, but once the state AND feds has the ability to make money through taxation, I doubt that growing it would remain legal, especially when one considers the regulations that will be imposed, such as sale to minors and such.


Well-Known Member
im sure it would be regulated like alcohol. you can make wine and beer in your own home. as long as if its under a certain yeild. im sure you would be about to have a few plants as long as you show your intent is not to sell.


Well-Known Member
Didn't read it, but like most bills, they get amended a few times before they can pass. With as much paranoia as there is about MJ, I would think that before this bill ever gets past, it will be amended as to make SURE that there are no loopholes to allow this "dangerous drug" to fall into the hands of minors.


Well-Known Member
Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Hope the wait isn't too long.....
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