OTA is right, you might have a lot of Solo users that will complain about it, but IMO I wouldn't worry...
First of all, your model is a log style, plugged to a cord. So, since the beggining you need to be paying attention to what you do. IMO I'll just wrote a warning in the usage manual or directions telling users about the loose stem.
IMO, log style almost unrestricted airflow is too precious to ruin it because of complains of loose stems.
IMO, I'm seeing a lot of user requisites beforehand a product is launched

IMO, if your log don't sacrifice vapor safety and purity by unrestricted airflow, SO LET IT BE...
We need to learn to be more careful, with the vape we use.
IMO trying to please all vaporizer users is a nightmare and at the moment impossible.
If you try to please that 0,1% of complainers, "the stem spins too much",
"the stem falls down if I turn it upside down",

lol, yep, we don't live in the f....g moon, there's gravity in the earth,
IMO you'll never launch your soon to be awesome log vape.
You can't be a godfather to everyone.
You need to pick a side here.
Please the 99,9% users or try to please the 0,1% that already find a flaw in your vape design and they wouldn't stop till they find more flaws.
I can see my head being cutted off after this post.
Medical users and people with severe conditions like spascisity and uncontroled muscular movement related conditions are going to hate me and think I'm a bad person and evil...
But as I said before, you can't please everybody, many people can't afford the
Cloud for example, do you think StoneMonkey and crew are going to drop down quality and all glass airpath because of that?? Or change the design because it's too clumsy with the glass on the top for medical conditions ( spascisity & muscular disorders) ???
Nope, I don't think so.
So, please , keep your good work and don't get discouraged