natural farmer
Well-Known Member
My observations have given me the same conclusions, a longer than wide bowl gives me better extractions, although if you like big bowls then you have to progressively widen the bowl.
Hazy, have you tried making a stem with an inner tube to slim the bowl if we so choose? I have always thought that a variable width bowl would be ideal.
I myself have come to terms with the 9mm ID GonG stem and I get amazing results at 14,5V these days... I tried deeper bowls with the 8mm DDS but the session wasn't so comfortable as far as stirring goes. 9mm give you more space to do so. So, 0,03-0,05g's of good weed give me a lung-buster for the first hit, a serious second one and a wispy third one in under 3min super easy sessions with minimum throat irritation! I am sooo happy with the Pod...

Sorry for the crappy vid, it's the best I can do with my phone...