I thought I should start the new year in an adventurous fashion and clicked my PS to the 15V setting. It goes through 9, 12, 13.5, 15, 18, 20 and 24 Volts. I measured the 12V setting at exactly 12V, the 13.5V at 13.75 and the 15V setting at 15.28V.
It was a revelation and I immediately brought in my mind the vids of Frederick, BigDaddyVapor, Stu and the other guys with HI's or UD's! So that's how it's done...!!!

Thick vapor production in a blink of an eye and if careful enough with your timing, it's quite easy to avoid combustion, even scorching of the load. ABV can come out exactly as anyone may like it. Very easy control of the temps for me. No need for moving the Pod up and down either. I am finding I get better medicated like this, faster and with smaller loads. I am hoping it's not the bud I picked for this morning's shredding and proves to be more potent than the last buds... I will repeat experiments with other buds too for sure!

I keep my Pod pleasantly warm at 9V and turn it up to 12V for direct hits (seldom) and 15,28V for the Saxo hits. Very smooth sessions and piece of cake loading and maintenance of the stems.

Where is my damn VVPS now???

How far is China damn it??? Should have ordered earlier. Australia proved to be a little closer...