420 Gamer
Hey there guys, just wanted to pass along some information.
Let me go into my history…
I have ADHD, had it since I was a child; however, I couldn’t diagnose it due to $$. This all changed when I got into college a couple of years ago… The financial aid department along with my school psychologist was able to fund my neuropsychological test (~$1300). This test put my mind at ease because it did two things: One, it allowed me to forgive myself, and two, it pushed me towards the right direction.
Let me expound on the first idea… Growing up was hard with ADHD. My entire family would describe me as a “smart” kid with copious amounts of ingenuity; furthermore, this made the cognitive dissonance even greater because I performed horrid academically. Consistency was my worst enemy; for instance, my grades would fluctuate from A’s to F’s then when I receive my progress report… from F’s to B’s, but it would fall back down by the time my report card comes back. Additionally, I struggled with completing my homework, reading, and adhering to a schedule. Over the years I tried to fix my consistency, but like all things it would only last for a week. I began to get depressed and eventually through time I held a strong grudge with myself. I also foster this belief that everything I did wrong was entirely because I was lazy and stupid; additionally, this was emphasized by my grandparent’s empty looks (I live with my grandparents because my parents abandoned me). I can’t even begin to describe the hopelessness of being stuck without the light at the end of the tunnel… This all changed when I got my neuropsychological testing; I was diagnosed with ADHD, and that grudge I had with myself suddenly absolved… and I can confidently say that I forgive myself for my past performance; however, I still regret everything!! xD
After being diagnosed, I started researching on ways to help my condition; mainly ways people with ADHD should study. Additionally, my school recommended that I see the school’s psychiatrist. I promptly made an appointment with him; in our session he discussed sleep hygiene, nutrition, and medication. I was prescribed 5mg of Adderall a day for two weeks, skipping the weekends. This was a really low dose (the way it should be in the beginning), and over a 1 year period I was up to 10 mg 3 times a day. The low dosage didn’t cause me any side effects, but at 10 mg I had terrible sideeffects; I wasn’t eating, sleeping right, I was irritable, and had headaches. Unfortunately, the benefits were FARRRRRRRR to great… I was able to pay attention during lectures and complete my homework. I would actually read an entire article instead of just the first couple of words within the first paragraph. Despite the side-effects I gain insight on how I did things, how I learn things, and methods for keeping focus; I was finally headed towards the right direction…
Now back to the side-effects… I absolutely HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!! I also noticed something else… I don’t have any of these ill side-effects when I vaporize my botanicals! After reading some articles on how Cannabis can help ADHD, I wanted to try it so badly… But the idea itself seem so contradictory because I notice cognition changes when I vape for consecutive days or right after I vape, but this might be due to my failure to titrate the medication…. I load farrrr too much (~.3 g) 3 times a day. Now I have some questions I want to answer or have answered…
What are effective ways of using Cannabis to Treat ADHD?
What influence does the potency of Cannabis have on the treatment of certain disorders? (IE: Using a high potent bud vs low potent bud on ADHD)
What specific chemicals do I want to have in order to treat ADHD? (IE: THC/CBD/Ect)
What does THC/CBD ratio have to do with the effectiveness of treating ADHD?
Where is the line drawn between medicinal use and recreational use in terms of dosage/frequency/effects?
How much should I dose in order to receive medicinal effects to treat ADHD/ADD? (Bowl size, # of hits, frequency, ect...)
(P.S: I am not seeking medical Advice... I am only seeking opinions and personal stories)
I know there has to be someone on the Fourms that Has ADHD/ADD and uses cannabis to treat their symptoms! And if anyone got any opinions or anything to say, Please chime in.
ADDitionallyyyyy I Wanted to show people this PDF….
Here’s a quote
“There is a remarkable new story in healthcare: Cannabis (slang marijuana) may be good
for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD). The trend recently caught
the attention of conservative FOX news, which quoted pediatrician Dr. Claudia Jensen
“…cannabinoids [marijuana] are a very viable alternative to treating adolescents with
ADD and ADHD…”1”
A pretty informative document justyfing the use of Cannabis as a tool to help abolish some of the ADHD symptoms.
Much Love
(Sorry for my incoherent paragraph and thank you so much for decoding it in your brains… I am vaked as crap
Let me go into my history…
I have ADHD, had it since I was a child; however, I couldn’t diagnose it due to $$. This all changed when I got into college a couple of years ago… The financial aid department along with my school psychologist was able to fund my neuropsychological test (~$1300). This test put my mind at ease because it did two things: One, it allowed me to forgive myself, and two, it pushed me towards the right direction.
Let me expound on the first idea… Growing up was hard with ADHD. My entire family would describe me as a “smart” kid with copious amounts of ingenuity; furthermore, this made the cognitive dissonance even greater because I performed horrid academically. Consistency was my worst enemy; for instance, my grades would fluctuate from A’s to F’s then when I receive my progress report… from F’s to B’s, but it would fall back down by the time my report card comes back. Additionally, I struggled with completing my homework, reading, and adhering to a schedule. Over the years I tried to fix my consistency, but like all things it would only last for a week. I began to get depressed and eventually through time I held a strong grudge with myself. I also foster this belief that everything I did wrong was entirely because I was lazy and stupid; additionally, this was emphasized by my grandparent’s empty looks (I live with my grandparents because my parents abandoned me). I can’t even begin to describe the hopelessness of being stuck without the light at the end of the tunnel… This all changed when I got my neuropsychological testing; I was diagnosed with ADHD, and that grudge I had with myself suddenly absolved… and I can confidently say that I forgive myself for my past performance; however, I still regret everything!! xD
After being diagnosed, I started researching on ways to help my condition; mainly ways people with ADHD should study. Additionally, my school recommended that I see the school’s psychiatrist. I promptly made an appointment with him; in our session he discussed sleep hygiene, nutrition, and medication. I was prescribed 5mg of Adderall a day for two weeks, skipping the weekends. This was a really low dose (the way it should be in the beginning), and over a 1 year period I was up to 10 mg 3 times a day. The low dosage didn’t cause me any side effects, but at 10 mg I had terrible sideeffects; I wasn’t eating, sleeping right, I was irritable, and had headaches. Unfortunately, the benefits were FARRRRRRRR to great… I was able to pay attention during lectures and complete my homework. I would actually read an entire article instead of just the first couple of words within the first paragraph. Despite the side-effects I gain insight on how I did things, how I learn things, and methods for keeping focus; I was finally headed towards the right direction…
Now back to the side-effects… I absolutely HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!! I also noticed something else… I don’t have any of these ill side-effects when I vaporize my botanicals! After reading some articles on how Cannabis can help ADHD, I wanted to try it so badly… But the idea itself seem so contradictory because I notice cognition changes when I vape for consecutive days or right after I vape, but this might be due to my failure to titrate the medication…. I load farrrr too much (~.3 g) 3 times a day. Now I have some questions I want to answer or have answered…
What are effective ways of using Cannabis to Treat ADHD?
What influence does the potency of Cannabis have on the treatment of certain disorders? (IE: Using a high potent bud vs low potent bud on ADHD)
What specific chemicals do I want to have in order to treat ADHD? (IE: THC/CBD/Ect)
What does THC/CBD ratio have to do with the effectiveness of treating ADHD?
Where is the line drawn between medicinal use and recreational use in terms of dosage/frequency/effects?
How much should I dose in order to receive medicinal effects to treat ADHD/ADD? (Bowl size, # of hits, frequency, ect...)
(P.S: I am not seeking medical Advice... I am only seeking opinions and personal stories)
I know there has to be someone on the Fourms that Has ADHD/ADD and uses cannabis to treat their symptoms! And if anyone got any opinions or anything to say, Please chime in.
ADDitionallyyyyy I Wanted to show people this PDF….
Here’s a quote
“There is a remarkable new story in healthcare: Cannabis (slang marijuana) may be good
for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD). The trend recently caught
the attention of conservative FOX news, which quoted pediatrician Dr. Claudia Jensen
“…cannabinoids [marijuana] are a very viable alternative to treating adolescents with
ADD and ADHD…”1”
A pretty informative document justyfing the use of Cannabis as a tool to help abolish some of the ADHD symptoms.
Much Love
(Sorry for my incoherent paragraph and thank you so much for decoding it in your brains… I am vaked as crap