2ZM by Herbaltherm

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Well-Known Member
What’s the benefit of contributing to crowdfunding beyond being informed and accessing the purchase of the first batch? I may miss information
Looks tempting :brow:
the amount you invest today will be deducted during the final purchase. the price for us will be $300. upon release, it will increase to $400... while ultimately, you will have $250 left to pay!


Well-Known Member
come on guys!

It’s a big project!
I don't know about the RBT radiator... but from what I have read, it is well classified, at the top, for portable vaporizers...

two batteries for an unregulated vaporizer. potential later possibilities of an adapter to be plugged into the mains...

I can't wait for it to take shape.

Ryan seems to be in the starting blocks... he has made progress on everything that was possible to do without a budget!

a little word of mouth, a little snowball effect and we're not that far from the launch...

and knowing who Ryan is going to collaborate with for the wooden body is very cool too... it's some juicy info that could motivate you!

I don't know if I can talk about it again or not... so... come and get the info 😁
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
What’s the benefit of contributing to crowdfunding beyond being informed and accessing the purchase of the first batch? I may miss information
Looks tempting :brow:

If there are not enough crowdfunders, if the goal is not met, the product will not be made at all... So the benefit is that you are helping to make it actually a reality, this is being used to gauge overall demand, to make a total of 500 units I believe (400 in full production after the initial 100 crowdfund order)


Well-Known Member
Ryan doesn't want to make a thing we don't want. Everyone share your enthusiastic design ideas in the weekly ig live meeting! Fridays at 4:20 PST, i think. $50 to buy in on this is theft, really, and everyone should take advantage of it
To be clear, it's not $50 for a unit, just a down payment basically.

From the site:
Be first in line for a ZM2 when released (cost $250 exotic) - details to follow.


Well-Known Member
To be clear, it's not $50 for a unit, just a down payment basically.

From the site:
While I admit Ryan's messaging can be unclear and inconsistent, or at least my interpretations have been [edit], my understanding was that $50 buys you a beta test model, for which you'll also repay him by offering comprehensive feedback, this in addition to introductory priority for exotic models when they hit the market, like you said.

I wish it was regulated.
This unit will have the option to plug into an outlet, in which case it will function as regulated.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
While I admit Ryan's messaging can be unclear and inconsistent, or at least my interpretations have been [edit], my understanding was that $50 buys you a beta test model, for which you'll also repay him by offering comprehensive feedback, this in addition to introductory priority for exotic models when they hit the market, like you said.

This unit will have the option to plug into an outlet, in which case it will function as regulated.

I think you might misunderstand on both of those exactly, from what I saw


Well-Known Member
While I admit Ryan's messaging can be unclear and inconsistent, or at least my interpretations have been [edit], my understanding was that $50 buys you a beta test model, for which you'll also repay him by offering comprehensive feedback, this in addition to introductory priority for exotic models when they hit the market, like you said.

This unit will have the option to plug into an outlet, in which case it will function as regulated.
$50 gets you in so they can meet their goal to ensure enough people want the vape.

They will take $50 off the final cost, which they said was $250, so I’m guessing it would be $200 for those that sign up.
From the site:
“...Oh, and your 50 bucks back off as a discount on the first batch of 2ZMs :)

Site also said this about the plug in/regulation:

“If there is sufficient demand, a faux battery and AC power adapter would provide regulated power at home or unplug for the unregulated experience. The battery pack will be made.”


Vape swap shop
Ryan has asked if I could relay a message about pricing:

"It's $50 for the Crowdfund ticket and then $200 to purchase the final Crowdfund unit.

Retail will be like $289 basic and $350 for the fancy ones, so crowdfund is a significant saving.

Will be a grand give-away at 100, plus a chance to be on Beta and a front seat on the ride... should be a blast.

Futo is lined up to do the woodwork, he's a real chill guy. Can't wait to get cracking on this"
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