2016 4/20 Sale


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@StormyPinkness not quite what you were after but it's a no brainer at the price.

Also, after much thought and deliberation, I will be offering a 4$20 special. I will offer a VapCap 4 $20 all day on 4-20 This will only be available on 4-20 and the price will return to normal on 4-21. To keep this simple my 4-20 special will begin at midnight where I live in Wisconsin Central Standard Time and continue until my clock reads 4-21. This offer is also good for anyone of my awesome customers who are patiently waiting for their goodies. You may add a VapCap 4 $20 to any existing un-shipped order. I will have an add to existing order option in the shop.

I very much appreciate all the support I have received here for the development and release of the VapCap.




I make things from wood
Accessory Maker


I would avoid ordering from EZvapes as their customer service is terrible. I ordered my GR8TR weeks ago and haven't recieved even a shipping notice or an email back, yet they've taken my money. They have a 5.6 /10 rating on review sites.
Rutrow, I placed an order before reading your post. Wish me luck :tinfoil:

I edited my previous post of the sale and added a disclaimer on ordering.

little maggie

Well-Known Member
I would avoid ordering from EZvapes as their customer service is terrible. I ordered my GR8TR weeks ago and haven't recieved even a shipping notice or an email back, yet they've taken my money. They have a 5.6 /10 rating on review sites.
I'd ordered before with no problem. They've called me 2x about a grinder order. First to tell me they were out and were coming in soon. Then a couple of weeks later to tell me they were sold out because of a lot of orders and needed to get more in. The guy I spoke to apparently didn't know that I'd been waiting since before the last order came in. Will not order from them again in spite of the phone calls.


vapor.com (formerly VapeWorld.com)
I messaged with them briefly on facebook, and they said there won't be any promotions because its selling so fast. You never know what surprises could be under the trees on 4/20 morning though.
Good morning and Happy 420! We're really sorry we can't offer any deal on FF2. Since it's in the pre-order phase right now, we're not allowed to cut the prices. However, we have a LOT of great deals running for 420. We have 20% Off with some exclusions (our hands are tied concerning manufacturer pricing on some brands). We also have Secret Stash Packs which have been selling. While you can't get 20% off a PAX 2, you can purchase the PAX Stash Pack which is the same price as a PAX 2, but comes with $50 of free accessories! You can see all our specials here:


Hopefully that helps!


Well-Known Member
EDIT: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Poor experience from some FC members.

Kannastor Gr8tr is 20% off at ezvapes. It's getting some good press in the "Herb Grinders" thread.

Code: GR8TR20

I got a GR8TR from this retailer. I was one of the first to hop on the deal and it took a few weeks with little communication from them. I know that others are still waiting. I whole-heartedly recommend this grinder but take a look at the grinder thread before you pull the trigger with this retailer.


This too shall PAX...
I ordered a bubbler from; http://smokinjs.com and mentioned that I found them at the FC forum and Jay gave me a code for FC members to use.

When checking out use the code "SWED" for 10% off your order.

I ordered today and they shipped today. Answered all my questions quickly and friendly.

I did a little searching on this one... use the code "HIPS" for 15% off instead...


I would avoid ordering from EZvapes as their customer service is terrible. I ordered my GR8TR weeks ago and haven't recieved even a shipping notice or an email back, yet they've taken my money. They have a 5.6 /10 rating on review sites.

Update: I ordered the GR8TR from EZVAPES after they closed yesterday. Emailed them directly, and also sent a message using their website's online chat, to confirm that I ordered the solid body. They emailed me today to call them, I did, and they said they were out of stock for another week or so, and I canceled the order. Got out clean. With that said:


25% off Kannastor, and includes free t-shirt (include size in order comments)
Code: HAPPY420


That's right, a GR8TR full body for $67, shipped! I also picked up a classy little 14mm pollen press from the sale too. This bad boy has tolerances to 1/1000th of an inch and uses aluminum dowels so you can conduct heat to the puck while you press it. Things worked out great in the end!


I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
Update: I ordered the GR8TR from EZVAPES after they closed yesterday. Emailed them directly, and also sent a message using their website's online chat, to confirm that I ordered the solid body. They emailed me today to call them, I did, and they said they were out of stock for another week or so, and I canceled the order. Got out clean. With that said:


25% off Kannastor, and includes free t-shirt (include size in order comments)
Code: HAPPY420


That's right, a GR8TR full body for $67, shipped! I also picked up a classy little 14mm pollen press from the sale too. This bad boy has tolerances to 1/1000th of an inch and uses aluminum dowels so you can conduct heat to the puck while you press it. Things worked out great in the end!
They finally called me about my order after a month and to avoid hassle I just told them to ship it when the next batch came in. I will never deal with them again and warn others as much as I can. I just want my GR8TR already...

Slow Draw McGraw

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
This price includes shipping for UK.
I PMed him and he got me a U.S. quote and it wasn't much more. This isn't a 4/20 sale per say but buyers looking to supress VAS on 4/20 this can be an option. It's a pretty good deal.

£99 = $141.91

HomeGrownLogs UK Thread

All FC members will get a special price of £99 inc postage which will include the log a PSU and extension cable, a wooden draw stem and wong both with SS tips, all glass draw stems are an extra £10 as i have to have these made by someone and have to order them as needed.
Forgot to mention i have my own Hemp seed oil and beeswax wood finish which a small tub will be shipped with every log really brings them up nice and the hemp oil smells pretty good:brow:

Last edited:


You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
Thanks @SSVUN~YAH for always hooking up the 420 sale thread.

I was really trying to resist but couldn't when I seen half off jyarz.
I grabbed two satchmo for proper storage, bc in the not too distant future I have a move planned. U just never kno if there's going to be a connect, so I'm going prepared with a 4 months supply!!
Smart move! I finally popped my Jyarz cherry, bout time eh? Today my Joda and BlazedGlass rigs arrive, along with a new Lotus! Saturday my dabpadz and next week my Jyarz and Hammer to finish up my 420 spending. Is there a thread to show everything you scored for/on 4/20? :D


unbearably light in the being....
I ordered a bubbler through Bakebros. Thanks to whoever posted it. Even without the discount the prices, at least of the ones I considered, are competitive with DHgate and I like ordering from a US company.
I agree: after agonizing over the Chinese payment downsides I had a real sense of relief at being able to find products I liked & could afford and could buy just like anything else. Was also pleased to find items I liked enough to buy, at prices only 2x-3x China's.

BIG, big thanks to FC, and to @SSVUN-YAH, for taking the time and making the effort to share all this good stuff with us! :rockon:


Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Ha, I can't believe until yesterday I didn't know jyarz had glass inside them. That explains the price and how much love they get, I was always shocked anybody gave a crap about them. It's pretty much exactly what I've been looking for though, grabbed 2 and already wishing I had bought more at 50% off.

Also I love my song so much I ordered a backup and some silicone reducers from @Ratchett . Grabbed the $12 omega from oilvaporizer.com as a backup. And unrelated to this thread I did the omicron v4 upgrade so I've got tons of awesome stuff coming my way.

Thank you @SSVUN~YAH for the thread. I get the song stuck in my head every time I see your avatar. If I'm at home my dog is sometimes unfortunate enough to get raised up like a baby lion as I wail like a madman.
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