@StormyPinkness not quite what you were after but it's a no brainer at the price.
Also, after much thought and deliberation, I will be offering a 4$20 special. I will offer a VapCap 4 $20 all day on 4-20 This will only be available on 4-20 and the price will return to normal on 4-21. To keep this simple my 4-20 special will begin at midnight where I live in Wisconsin Central Standard Time and continue until my clock reads 4-21. This offer is also good for anyone of my awesome customers who are patiently waiting for their goodies. You may add a VapCap 4 $20 to any existing un-shipped order. I will have an add to existing order option in the shop.
I very much appreciate all the support I have received here for the development and release of the VapCap.