I'm about to order one of these http://www.vaporbeast.com/lost-vape-tan-v2-ebony-wood-box-mod.html , with the new Kanger Colored Subtanks. I had some money saved up to go on a vacation later this month, but it kind of fell through, so might as well get something nice
I also placed an order with Dr. Crimmy earlier this week, I'll have to let you guy's know how they taste, but I'm very excited, I went a bit overboard but the juices I made sound delicious to me:
All of them are 70/30 as though I prefer as much VG as possible, the Kanger Subtanks for me, don't handle the thickest juice as well. I'll get like ejuice sputter up the top and will burn my tongue or the roof of my mouth. Not pleasant at all, and have to be very careful while vaping it lol.
Got Milkshake (Pick 3 flavors: Peanut Butter, Bavarian Creme, Sweet Creme) + extra flavor shots.
Special OPS (Orange, Pineapple, Strawberry) + extra flavor shots and substituted Blood Orange instead of Orange.
DIY Vanilla Custard Base with Banana, Strawberry, Sweet Creme added.
Cost me like $93, but I got 360 ml of E Juice in 3 different flavors. Comparatively, my local juice shop sells 30 ml for $15-$16.....not hard to see how much more bang for your buck Crimmy is.
Been meaning to order from: http://whitelabeljuiceco.com/ as they are also cheap. I saw some...suspect reviews though where people were talking about a peppery nicotine taste, so I've avoided them as of late, but I do mean to try them in time. (It actually looks like they have updated the site a lot since I last checked them a few months back)
@NickDlow I let mine sit without the caps on for a few hours when I'm home and can make sure they don't get knocked over by the cat lol, and the flavors definitely pop more and get more pronounced over time...don't be shy to try right out the bottle though! They really do taste great initially and only get better over time IMO.
The Bananna/Strawberry Custard I got tasted strongly of custard, not high fruit but I got extra custard shot. It tastes delicious now and is full flavored after a few weeks.
The Special OPS is good but a bit too fruity for me. Just takes like really awesome pineapple juice. THe pineapple is most pronounced and while I can taste the other fruits, they are just overpowered by pineapple. Just am normally vaping with coffee or tea or beer so it's a weird taste in my mouth. It's great with a cup of OJ though!
The PB Creme is my favorite, it just tastes like PB Mousse. Not overtly PB though, but enough I taste it, and a lot on the exhale if I do it through my nose. Just a sweet nutty vapeit's much better off the RDA then the Subtanks too from my experience.
I got PB Bannana and Orange Crimmsicle a few months back, and I think I would rate both of those higher tbh then any of the 3 above. I'm partial to PBB and its a good all day vape for me, little fruit little nut. The Orange Crimmsicle tastes exactly like a legit orange creamsicle, not an all day thing for me but great when I used it.
Glad you were able to get some juice and save a few bucks!
It came with a 0.5 ohm coil and a 1.5 ohm coil. I started with the 0.5 ohm and it lasted me about two weeks. I never pushed that first coil very hard, averaging about 15W and only ever going as far as 25W. Although, I might have run it a little low. I'm more aggressively refilling the tank with this newest (third) coil. Still need to work out the finer details of detecting wick issues before it's too late.How quick did you burn through the 2 coils?
Hey all have not been here in a bit. I been enjoying my kanger sub box and kanger sub box mini. I just gave 1 to my dad bc he broke his vape i bought him for the holidays last year so i ordered the IPV D2 to try out. I am going to try my 1st .2ohm coil with it as i been using a .5ohm .
Good to hear your story, thanks for sharing and I'm glad you found us!I found all the fellow Subox owners!!
I love this little beast, my Wife and my Sister in law said it was "ugly"
... I was like....
Wha????!!! Ugly?!?! This thing screams sexy and sleek.
Particularly the White Edition, probably Nostalgic memories of Storm Troopers...lol
I recently posted this on another thread, but don't believe many saw it...
I started with the basic 1300mAh VV EVOD with the basic Kangertech T3'D tank.. Very nice at first, but found myself still smoking Marlboros on the regular.
So, I bought a new K-Tech Aerotank Mega.. Very nice, but my EVOD finally started dying in a couple hours of use.
Did a lot of shopping and decided on the Subox.
Once I found my preferred ratio of VG : PG ..sub-ohm coils (Subtank 0.5 OCC)
I never even considered reaching for those nasty Marlboros again.
**sidenote ** Subox is capable of firing down to 0.3 ohms
I Never thought I would be able to quit the cancer sticks...
But the Subox changed everything.. I love my local Vapor shop, Best house juice in my city.
12$ for 30ml on Thursdays, 1$ off if you bring back your empty bottle, and buy 6 bottles get one free.
I tried another shop, and... GROSS!!!!
I started at 12mg with the EVOD, once I obtained the Subox, I moved to 6 mg, after a week or two, down to 3 mg, and now I'm at 0 mg.
I love the vapor, warm flavor packed vapor coming in, and super cool therapeutic vapor on the exhale.... Amazing!!
My favorite flavors...
Razzleberry (Exactly like those blue lollipops I enjoyed as a 4th grader)
Unicorn Vomit, lol... Tastes like a handful of Skittles.
The smell of cigarettes now nauseates me, I can't believe I quit!!
I honestly can't believe that they are trying to ban E-cigs, seems to me, that it is effectively helping many folks quit killing themselves with the cigarettes.
I imagine it has a LOT to do with tax revenue regarding the billions involved with big Bacco.
Fight for your right to Vape!!!!