Hey FC, I'm enjoying the forum so far, very informative and entertaining, GG on being the leading hub in online cannabis vape discussion!
My dilemma (of sorts, not a true dilemma as there's more than two outcomes) is this, I'm seeking a portable vape, and through some semi-light research I've...
I've had my Air II for a little while (maybe six months) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The thing is, after recently getting a Vapcap, the Air just seems underwhelming to me. I usually vape around 200°C but I don't know the hits feels much lighter/less potent and I feel like I get less high with...
Dear FC,
It seems my VapCap Omni has quenched my thirst for other vapes and in a thinly veiled appeal to restore the earlier vigor of my VAS (I love variety, but can't justify any other vapes on function alone anymore), I implore you, dear FC readers and writers, to tell me where to go next in...