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  1. Octavia

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Would kids these days even know what that is? That thing is at least 20 years old.
  2. Octavia

    The Toad from Morwood

    3 years sounds right to me too, but I managed to get lucky with a lottery last year. Usually there’s about 70-100 folks throwing in for each of the available toads, so your odds aren’t terrible, especially if you enter for a few styles! Hope you’re able to snag one by your birthday!
  3. Octavia

    Weird News Stories of the Day.....

    Was wondering how long it would take to start bringing back the Comstock laws.
  4. Octavia

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Agreed, I thought about giving away my 7 when I got my 9, but glad I kept it. It’s definitely nice to have a spare in case one breaks or needs a cleaning, and it gives a little more variety to my ritual
  5. Octavia

    Angus Enhanced

    Might be the new metal tube insulator allowing more movement than the fibre insulation in the recalled versions? Saw someone mention that their replacement had a metal tube which rattled more than the original version. Edit: realised you were the user I was thinking of! :doh: Would expect more...
  6. Octavia

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Did they ever show the teardown, or was that a third party? I remember earlier in this thread there was some back and forth about not wanting to divulge trade secrets before someone leaked the schematics, but it’s been years so my memories might be off. Would definitely like to see a teardown...
  7. Octavia

    Dynavap VapCap

    Can you change the balls in the unidyn, or is that just a feature of the other 2 caps? While I don’t have the dyna ballers, I would get the same scorching taste with my tempest when the balls started to get dirty or when little crumbs got past the screen, and used that as a sign it needed a...
  8. Octavia

    Random thoughts

    100%! Back in university I overheard an impassioned debate over which version of Reese’s was the best: Christmas, Easter, Mini or Regular. The Easter and Christmas ones were the frontrunners since they use the same thinner/creamier and sweeter peanut mixture, but the Easter ones won the debate...
  9. Octavia

    First vaporizer ever. Should I pick up a Dynavap M7 XL or a Dani Fusion 2.0?

    What size is the joint on your bong? I believe all recent DVs will work with 10mm joints without an adapter, VONGs fit 14mm as well. Will need an adapter for 18mm and up joints.
  10. Octavia

    The Nomad From Morwood

    I believe coated washi paper like the toads (think high quality paper mache). I think he tweaked the formula and technique a bit for the toads to increase durability, but is otherwise very similar.
  11. Octavia

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Possum warned that the glass may break because theirs is currently breaking by the spring.
  12. Octavia

    Tetra P80

    Same! Hopefully it happens soon, been waiting 2+ years for a drop
  13. Octavia

    Portable, electronic sipper vape for a user with no tolerance.

    Those options sound pretty decent! I’d probably lean towards the lobo or v3 pro for replaceable batteries, or a rogue style device for a larger built in battery than the Fury/One. Would probably not recommend the aerolite yet since it’s still unreleased and first gen products always seem to have...
  14. Octavia

    Firewood Vaporizer

    In the capsule
  15. Octavia

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Fwiw my 7 seems to have marginally better airflow than my 9, but difference seems slight. I think the biggest difference I notice is the FW9 has a larger air intake but is more sensitive to a tight pack or a poorly installed oven adapter, while the 7’s main restriction is the air holes up top...
  16. Octavia

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Yeah that’s how I read it too. The initial draft of the FWX had a 3/8” tapered oven, but the production model will be swapping to a 1/2” oven for better airflow like the 7 and for a more secure screen fit.
  17. Octavia

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Incorrect, at least according to the parts page on firewood’s site. 3/8 listed as compatible with FW 6, 8, 9: 1/2 listed as compatible with FW 3, 4, 5, 7...
  18. Octavia

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Just got around to finishing Monster Hunter World and the Iceborne expansion in preparation for MH Wilds coming out at the end of February! Used to play the base game back in 2019 but my computer had issues running the snow physics introduced in Iceborne (and I discovered I was really bad at...
  19. Octavia

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    At this point I doubt there’s anything that’ll change your mind then, but if you have anything that you view disqualifies him from being a fascist I would honestly like to hear it. If anyone HASN’T decided that Fascist = Bad, Trump = Good, Bad != Good :. Trump != Fascist, here’s one of the...
  20. Octavia

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    @HaggisHunter is pretty spot on with their advice, but I’d recommend giving all threads and connection points a brushing as well, especially if brand new. Some folks had issues with machining dust/burrs stuck in threads that iso + burnoffs didn’t properly remove.
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