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  1. C

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    So is this for herb and concentrate?
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    As someone completely uneducated in the wood world could thinks like certain rosewoods work ?
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    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Holy hell those are gorgeous man, you are truly an artisan, and have such respect and care for this community. Any chance seperate parts may become available in the future ? Would love to have some different engraved top or bottom sections to swap and change in the future. Also in case I ever...
  4. C

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Yes sadly the same issue here in Aus, international shipping always hurts
  5. C

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Damn those look like a great size, why all the screens gotta b in US haha
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    Go to cheap alternatives for Tinymight 2/high end vape

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys, think I'll look for powered over torch due to taking it to gigs 😂 xmax seems to be pretty good, I'm a heavy user that's why I went straight to the tm2 for my second vape
  7. C

    Go to cheap alternatives for Tinymight 2/high end vape

    Hi guys, Looking to find out people’s go to cheap alternatives if they have ever broken or misplaced their tm2 or other high end vape? I’m an Australian vaper so suggestions in my country would be awesome but happy to hear everyone’s preferences!
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    Than Thanks for the suggestions, definitely leaning toward the xmax v3 pro. Might make a post in ask FC to get a wide opinion base
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    Sadly I only have a very poorly spare, went straight from my first mistake purchase to the tm2 hahaha H Hahaha maybe I should have specified cheap go to 😂 not too keen to spend another 500aud just yet, maybe when more woods become available
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    What size balls have you found work best for the stem?
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    Hi guys hope this is the right place for this question but wondering what everyone’s go to replacement for the tm2 has been if they have ever broken or had to go without it for a period of time? Recently broke my inner glass lining and looking for something to tide me over until it gets fixed
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    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Wow old mate all the way in Austria,!
  13. C

    Zeal, Ω, and Epitome

    Not sure if it has been discussed much or is just previous knowledge but I was wondering what the major differences between using Ti and SS are, besides the cost of course, and why people would choose one over the other? Trying to really weigh up my options on my first ball vape
  14. C

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    That would be amazing to see, we have a market growing and people like Old Mate and his Aroma grinder which are making waves The Zeal does look amazing and I agree the Qaroma seems pretty steep thats why i had been leaning towards the Freight Train Pro. Should probably also explain I'm looking...
  15. C

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    Hey guys, Aussie cloud lover here hoping for some advice. Being in Australia we unfortunately have quite limited access to ball vapes with the 2 main ones available here being the freight train line up and qaroma shop line up. I am very keen to get into the ball vape space but was hoping you all...
  16. C

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Completely fair man, looks like the ceramics really might be tough on the post haha. I’m more so just posing another reason for the buildup, I don’t believe mine was much more than herb but as Old Mate has said it’s a near impossible thing to avoid, I would still 100% recommend this to anyone...
  17. C

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Hi guys, Disappeared from the forum for a while since I got my grinder but decided to come check out the posts. I recently had an issue with my grinder getting stuck after a friend got some herb material caught between the bearing and post before grinding. I used a q tip and iso to clean it and...
  18. C

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Currently back at work for my second job but got a chance to have a look and a play, gotta say it’s a beauty. So solid and clean looking, with a buttery smooth action and super shard teeth. The teeth design is awesome too, props on that. Magnets feel beefy and I’m extremely happy. Will post...
  19. C

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Mine is officially waiting at home for me to finish work, very excited to get my hands on this bad boy!
  20. C

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Too add to the charger convo, I have an xtar dragon VP4 Plus and find it to be amazing, gives lots of info and charges 4 batteries fast. Also can be used as a charger for electronic devices and comes with a car charger adapter.
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