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  1. BabyFacedFinster

    Leafly news???

    I noticed that Leafly hasn't posted any new news articles in over a week. Today they had some new format in the news section with articles from other resources. Does anyone know what gives? I always enjoyed their writers and articles. I hope it's not ending.
  2. BabyFacedFinster

    Which eastern state will legalize first?

    In terms of recreational use, there seem to be a lot of highs and lows for the eastern states as each has their trials and tribulations. Vermont had a lot of promise a few weeks ago, but the legislature just voted on a weak, bullshit version designed to continue research on the topic... and put...
  3. BabyFacedFinster

    Best Boveda RH% for cannabis

    I was disappointed to see that Boveda no longer carries the 54% packs anymore. I have been using them for about a year now and thought they did a nice job. I had always read that this was an ideal humidity to store cured cannabis. On their website it now skips from 49% packs straight to 62%...
  4. BabyFacedFinster

    Fucking tobacco combustion too!

    I was surfing around tonight and started reading some prior posts in the Introduction thread, when I noticed some folks referencing the need to quit smoking cigarettes and that this site was helpful in that endeavor. I guess I never thought of this forum in that way. I always thought of this...
  5. BabyFacedFinster

    Hey man, wanna smoke a joint?

    So I've had this desire lately to roll and smoke a joint. I even started ordering some raw papers and a rolling machine online, but then erased it. I know combusting tastes foul now. I also know its not good for you (although what's one little ol' joint gonna do). But sometimes I get that...
  6. BabyFacedFinster

    Goodbye old friend

    I am posting my farewell to my dearly departed couch. My wife and I bought the sofa when we were still dating...about 12 years ago. I loved that couch from day one. It was big and wide and my ass settled in nicely. I nursed a busted knee in that couch for 3 weeks once. I held my boys when...
  7. BabyFacedFinster

    Length of Alcohol extraction

    Still deciding whether to make some tincture or some QWISO. I have availability to over 90% ethanol or ISO. It seems when directions are given to make QWISO, they list 30-45 seconds of extraction time in ISO before filtering. When directions are given for making alcohol tincture, they list...
  8. BabyFacedFinster

    Philae, Rosetta and the Big Bad 67P

    Anyone else following the Rosetta space probe and that little Philae dude that is now sleeping on Comet 67P? It's amazing what they were able to put together with a Commodore 64 and tape deck modem:) Or maybe I'm just too high right now
  9. BabyFacedFinster

    What do you like to eat when your vaped?

    Are you stoned right now? Well are ya? Don't tell me that shit, you're toasted dude! So what would you like to eat right now? I just had 6 White Castle cheeseburgers , Onion rings, and the orange soda. Classic chow down, just like when I was a teenager.
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