Search results

  1. Vitolo

    Herbalaire Series 2.1

    I am selling a brand new Herbalaire in Box, with all that accompanies the unit. This is the 2.1, with the new enhanced air pump. The difference between this late model 2.1 and the 2.2 is the lighting.... The 2.2 has 2 color light in front and 4 color LED at base. Other than this the units are...
  2. Vitolo

    Grinders Galore

    The time has come for me to let go of a few items to help pay ongoing court costs and legal fees. Here is a deal that will be hard for a grinder fanatic to pass up. You see here 40+ grinders. They are all good grinders. Added extra is a few Iolite card Grinders, and an Herbalizer Card Grinder...
  3. Vitolo

    Sock Puppetry

    YOU ARE ENTERING A SOCK PUPPET FREE ZONE Simple Definition: An account made on an internet message board, by a person who already has an account, for the purpose of posting more-or-less anonymously. (One can have a friend do it for them also) Implications: Anonymity in posting is only the...
  4. Vitolo

    Police Raid on Vitolo's Home

    [This post and the thread that follows is a separation from it's 1st location in the more positive and uplifting thread Paying it Forward: A New Direction] Terrible news that has left my house in an uproar, and has shaken up our lives. I fear I will not be paying it forward any farther. Last...
  5. Vitolo

    Revolution Dart

    DONE AND OVER It is a working Dart, that is like new. This great Dart was sent to me in a box as a donation (donor... thanks!) to spread among the low income patient community. While there are pen type vape users out here, non of them is using a device with voltage above an Omicron. I do not...
  6. Vitolo

    Nibbler X

    This Nibbler X was used once for testing to be certain that it functioned flawlessly. This piece was intended for use with any one of the local patients that I work with, that uses an Omicron. I am not personally a fan of water filtration, and have no local patients interested in using...
  7. Vitolo

    Top for Inhalater 04 & XP

    I only like the original flat tops to the Inhalater, like the ones that were on the INH04. I have an XP, but have always used my 04 top on it. I lost the top last night. I need an Inhalater top, and while I prefer the 04 top, an XP top will serve better than nothing! If you have a top to...
  8. Vitolo

    Spam on FC

    Here is a thread for those that feel they have been spammed on FC. I had a post made on my profile this morning. The post was in response to a positive post made by a member. The post was written by @Cicy and was no more than a link to her DHGate store. I have written to her to let her know she...
  9. Vitolo

    Elev8 Glass Recycler ($85)

    High quality recycler made by 7th floor's Elev8 Glass. Comes with dome and quartz nail.Been tested once to be sure all was good. Asking $85 and of course I pay shipping and paypal fees. ~SOLD~
  10. Vitolo

    Omicron Cartridges 2.4 Ohm (4 of them)

    I wish to make a straight trade for 6 Omicron 1.5 Ohm Carts. If you have 1.5 Ohm carts, and you prefer the safety of the 2.4 Ohm carts, I will make you a straight trade. These are new and unopened, as of course will be the ones that someone trades me for them. I can sell them also if somebody...
  11. Vitolo

    Omicron V1 Chargers

    I need Omicron V1 Chargers. I have a few patients here, that own ORIGINAL Omicrons as their main device. Three of these patients no longer have chargers. If you have old Omicron Chargers, I will gladly buy them. COME ON... This is important guys... help me out! Omicron V1 Charger
  12. Vitolo

    2 J-Hooks and 3 18mm chillums

    UNUSED ITEMS ALL.... 3 18mm female pieces that have many uses. These are the 3 pieces: They can hold a screen and have "dimples" They can be used as extensions for appearance and pleasure. They can be paired like this to use as an LSV wand! with screen installed, and filled with meds...
  13. Vitolo

    Vapor Puzzles

    First... a crossword (don't peak at the answers) Warning: Cheaters never prosper! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Anwers:
  14. Vitolo

    Supreme V2 & Extras

    I love my Supreme, but I do not need 2 of them. This Supreme was used once to test it out. It is clean. The orange "stopper' fitting on the metal tube, as well as the screen have both been replaced to make this completely clean! I include 3 spare mouthpieces, that I got from Ed, as well as 4...
  15. Vitolo

    Old School Aromazap - New

    No... I have not fallen out of love with my log vapes. I own over a dozen, and it is time to sell a couple. This one is a brand new Brass, Walnut Aromazap. I added a retaining ring for the buyer, so that won't be necessary later! It comes with power supply, and with two new Vapor Stems. A tamp...
  16. Vitolo

    Persei Set - Complete

    Persei Set. Both tops are BRAND NEW The set includes: Instructions & Impedance chart Persei Dual top Single top Persei Bottom Plate adjustment tool 2 standard 3.7V Batteries 4 high performance short batteries (new) 4 3.2 V Batteries (new) Standard Charger Extra Trustfire Charger for the 3.2V...
  17. Vitolo

    Vaporbrothers VB2

    I would like to take this opportunity to introduce a dear friend of mine... "VB2" What this is: This is a "Wax Converter". It is a device that due to the heat of its element and it's structure, can CONVERT a concentrate to vapor instantaneously. Vapor Brothers and VaporWarehouse will be along...
  18. Vitolo


    My dear friend Linda is a Vaporist all the way. We discuss vapor, vaporizers, and medible recipes regularly. She is also a Psychic Medium (as well as author, speaker, etc) This post is the sharing of a book that she has written. She is a most interesting gal! MEDIUM RARE: The Memoir of a...
  19. Vitolo

    Vapir NO2 - New

    You all know that I love my NO2 I have had it over 2.5 years now, and it still works well. This one here is new. In the Box! I opened it, and put the battery in and tried it once. I used my own tube, so the one in the box is unused. BUT... I did pre-soak the tube in hot water as per the NO2...
  20. Vitolo

    MFLB Accessory Box

    This is meant to be the best MFLB Package any of you have seen. I am not out of love with my Launch Box…. I own 4 and have duplicates of accessories … that makes keeping everything impractical. Here I have a chance to give someone a fair deal, and cover an unexpected expense at the same time...
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