Search results

  1. Bouldorado

    Flavor loss from freezing

    This is purely anecdotal, but my oil seems to taste worse after it was in the freezer for ~1.5 weeks. The oil is well-made nug-run from a dispensary with excellent taste (at least the last non-frozen dab I took). However today I took a few dabs and the taste is definitely more bland than it was...
  2. Bouldorado

    Walnut Firewood Vape (price drop)

    I have a walnut Firewood that I would like to trade for a lotus vape. I rarely use portable vapes, so the firewood is in excellent condition. Looking to trade specifically for a lotus or sell for $104 + shipping. Sold for $75 Looks like the used market for these isn't that great, so asking...
  3. Bouldorado

    Canna-Banana Bread

    I made banana bread using some abv coconut oil. I just substituted the coconut oil into the recipe and it tastes great!- not even a hint of abv taste.
  4. Bouldorado

    Homemade Slide Holder

    Had access to some nice power tools for a while, so I decided to make a slide holder. I took an old piece of maple flooring and planed down the edges with a table saw. Following that, I cut it in half and then drilled holes for the joints. After the holes were drilled (two 14mm, two 19 mm) I...
  5. Bouldorado

    Silver Surfer

    Selling my SSV since I have another whip vape I prefer. Purchased from craigslist so I don't have the receipt, but given its excellent condition, I would guess its less than a year old. Heater element and cover have no discoloration so it could be even newer than that. Overall functionally and...
  6. Bouldorado

    Homemade Glycerine Bong Cooler

    I like vape-bonging with ice, but my current piece (although it has pinches) is not well-suited for use with ice. Two reasons: 1) you can only fit ~2 cubes in the chamber, and 2) the design of this bong uses very little water, so any ice melt means it is soon overfilled. This led to the...
  7. Bouldorado

    Boulder, CO Flood

    I live in Boulder and thought I'd share some footage of the crazy flooding we're experiencing right now. If you haven't followed the news, Colorado has been hit with intense rain the last few days. Basically in 3-4 days, we've accumulated about half of our average annual rainfall. This is what...
  8. Bouldorado

    4.0 Diffused Downstem (14mm)

    Broke my 4.0 (Eric Ross) showerhead and am listing this and the breezeway (see other thread) for sale/trade. 18>14mm joint size, 5.5" long from the bottom of the ground joint. Great diffusion with minimal drag. I also have the matching 4-hole bowl that came with bong. Whiles it's not included...
  9. Bouldorado

    Breezeway by Eric Ross

    I broke my 4.0 a while back and unfortunately it didn't survive the repair process. I enjoyed that bong a lot, but the accessories don't do me much good with my current, stemless piece. Thus I'm listing the breezeway and downstem (see other thread) for sale or trade. The breezeway is in...
  10. Bouldorado

    Looking for glass repair

    Definitely my least favorite post on FC... I was vaping with a buddy, using my 4.0 and the LSV. The LSV is pretty hot so I'm holding it by the cord. As I tilt the bong forward, the LSV swings and strikes the very tip of the 4.0. Snaps right off. :o My friend and I are speechless, as the...
  11. Bouldorado

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Anyone heard of/tried this before? Saw this on Reddit and it looks interesting. I'm not sure how it works since the website is kind of vague. However, the specs include nichrome wire so I'm guessing it's convection based. It's being sold through Etsy so it's...
  12. Bouldorado

    4.0 Double Showerhead

    Looking to sell or trade my flawless 4.0 double showerhead set by Eric Ross. Includes tube with two millies, breezeway with one millie, and 4-hole slide with one millie. Breezeway includes both titanium and quartz nails. Hand signed by Eric Ross and 4.0 logo is sandblasted onto mouthpiece and...
  13. Bouldorado

    DaVinci Ascent Contest?

    Did anyone ever win this? Just kind of curious, since there doesn't seem to be any closure in the thread...
  14. Bouldorado

    Itza 8-Arm Gridded Micro

    Selling my Itza because I no longer use. 14mm female joint. Main chamber has an 8-arm tree perc with triple gridded and reinforced trees. The bottom section can also function as a natural perc / ash catcher. 12.5" tall. $225 OBO // worked glass trade
  15. Bouldorado

    Vapor Tamer Package (glycerin coil)

    I purchased this as a bundle during the 7th floor Black Friday sale, so it's approximately 2 months old. All pieces are in flawless condition. The glycerin coil cools down vapor amazingly well but I don't like the hassle of refreezing it. Includes everything you see in the picture: vapor tamer...
  16. Bouldorado

    SYN Circ Ashcatcher

    I want to downsize, so my ashcatcher is up for sale. I don't use it to smoke, but it definitely adds some extra smoothness to your hits. Very little drag. Works with most 18 mm joints (obviously will not work on recessed joints, or those with excessively thick walls; ie, sheldon black). $100...
  17. Bouldorado

    SYN Full Size Showerhead (Bent Neck)

    Looking to sell my SYN, as I simply don't use it that much, especially with my recent purchase of a vapor tamer. Very thick glass (7mm+) and minimal drag. I purchased this brand new at a local headshop on sale for $375 + tax. These things retail online for 450-500...
  18. Bouldorado


    My lsv bowl was recently broken, so I'm looking for a replacement. I could order one from 7th floor, but I'm pretty sure someone has an extra they'd be willing to sell. If so, shoot me a pm/respond to this thread and we can work out a deal. Any size will work
  19. Bouldorado

    Predict the Election

    After the two parties have spent a combined $1.6+ billion on their respective campaigns, the presidential race is quickly drawing to a close. In less than 24 hours from now, the next president of the US will be revealed (assuming the race doesn't end in an electoral college tie). Let's see if...
  20. Bouldorado

    Dave Goldstein (DG) Fritted Disc Micro Can

    I want to get a new piece, so the DG is up for sale or trade. Regularly cleaned and in flawless condition: no scratches/fleabites/chips and no label degradation. Will sell for 290 shipped, however I would prefer to trade. I'm particularly looking for a double perc piece. I like the style of...
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