It's a longer read, but the details are interesting and wanted to share...
It's great to help people fc. I have a big cannabis combuster and friend who's gotten used to and comfortable with vaping through our small group of friends over the last few years. It's to the point now that my friend...
Does anyone have any scientific sources or links showing/discussing the combustion efficiency of a butane jet/torch lighter or similar?
I'm wondering how well they combust the butane fuel source. Typically even good open-air organic fuel combustion efficiency is on the scale of a percentage...
I've been cleaning my glass and using the microwave to dry the piece quickly and efficiently (full power for a few minutes). It's been working very well (and is slick) with my US-made glass pieces. Can I expect the same with China glass or is this something I should avoid (because of annealing...
I'm looking for a bit of help here, and owners of this specific hydrabase (and others), or whatever you want to call it :sherlock:. I need the measurement from a flat surface to the top of the FEMALE joint (the lower of the two joints), in mm if possible... the distance from flat ground to that...
The Culture High is an EXCELLENT feature-length documentary film about the marijuana prohibition and the war on drugs in United States (2014). It's been mentioned here before and is very much worth noting again.
Here's a video link.
More info here...
Tonight 60 Minutes on TV is doing a piece on the therapeutic use of psychedelics. I'd expect cannabis to be part of the discussion. Check it out if interested.
I'm wondering generally how long a moderate single dose edibles session lasts people? I.E., how much time does it take after one medium dose of edibles cannabis until you no longer feel significant effects? I've included a poll that people can vote on too (it's anonymous and people can change...