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  1. JCat

    Today In America - Spotlight on my Hometown - Guess which guest is me?

    Just thought I'd post this for everyone's enjoyment and to highlight what a great little community we have up here in the North of Ontario. Guess which guest on the broadcast is me?
  2. JCat

    CRZ Log Vape

    I barely use this log vape I acquired in a trade with another member. Works well but I just require larger quantities than the CRZ supports (so it's not really the log vape for me ... I'm looking at an EV-2 in my future potentially) Looking to get $150 OBO. Includes: - Stock stem - Shorty...
  3. JCat

    Health Canada is getting out of the Medical Marijuana business and commercializing distribution

    On Dec. 16th Health Canada announced some major changes coming in to the medical marijuana program. Highlights of these changes are as follows: - Health Canada will no longer issues licenses - Doctor or Nurse Practitioner can issue a prescription which can be filled at a pharmacy - Marijuana...
  4. JCat

    What is everyone's occupation and education levels on here? Just an interesting survey of sorts ...

    Just curious as to ratios ... you know ... like the Pete Seeger song ... doctors and lawyers and business executives ... :) ... not to mention miners, laborers, electricians, plumbers, veterinarians, executive assistants, teachers, carpenters, dentists, "vaporizer inventor and enthusiast", ...
  5. JCat

    Extreme Q for Sale

    Have used this vape a lot over the last 15 months. Liquidating most of my vapes now that I have a Cloud though. Includes the following: - 1 Cyclone Bowl (there is an extra one as well, that still works fine but is slightly damaged) - 3 elbows - remote - 8 bag stems - stock more rigid tubing as...
  6. JCat

    Da Buddha Vaporizer

    Da Buddha for Sale - $100 + shipping. Includes unit, whip, and comes in camera bag shown. In perfect working condition, although in the interest of full disclosure, the heater cover is broken on the bottom slightly, but this does not affect performance as well nor does it affect the way it is...
  7. JCat

    Glass Bat VG (HI GUY Vapo Rocket)

    Have a HI GUY Vapo Rocket for Sale (Guy Thomas makes these for Vapor Genie--they're identical apart from the logo) Used a handful of times but am not a lighter vape guy. Paid $90 CDN + tax + shipping + $10 for parts kit. Available in the US for $65+10 = $75 Selling for $50 + shipping
  8. JCat

    Chrome Persei Kit (almost brand new)

    Selling my Chrome Persei Kit that I just bought. Changed my mind about portables and concentrates as I'm really more of a flower guy :) Maybe I'll try again once I'm making some of my own BHO. Includes 2x1.5ohm cartridges (for 3.7v operation) as I used the 2x5ohm cartridges for 2 different...
  9. JCat


    The Aromazap Glass Bubbler ... if anyone is interested in selling one or trading I'd definitely be interested in this piece (to pair with my Solo)
  10. JCat

    ThermoVape LV Revolution Dart

    Looking for a TV LV Rev Dart to compliment my Persei for a load-as-you go cart for concentrates (until the D9 Nail cart comes out ...) Would be willing to buy or potentially trade.
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