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  1. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    The set temp on the LCD is pretty small, small enough that I need to put on my reading glasses to read it. I'm just saying that strapping the lamp across the heating element so it display the cycling of heating power is geekily interesting. My gas oven has the same arrangement -- a red lamp that...
  2. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    I reckon that different versions of the Extreme have different front panel setups. Mine has three lamps above the LCD display. One for the fan, one for the timer, and one for the heating element. There is also a larger round hole to the right of the display, and that's for the remote control IR...
  3. Rocket J Squirrel

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    The postman showed up yesterday with a box that should have contained my new Q. Alas, the seller mistakenly sent me an Extreme, and he admits it was his bad. Back it goes. I must continue to wait for the Q. Dang.
  4. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Which I would have already known if I had been paying attention . . . :rolleyes:
  5. Rocket J Squirrel

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    I'm sorry -- "weird" was a poor choice in words. I didn't mean that it was odd or strange or wrong, I meant that something that should be fun, like your new vape, suddenly becomes a questionable purchase. My bad, I wasn't writing well at all :( I bought a new car once. Then they came out with a...
  6. Rocket J Squirrel

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    It starts to get weird for the manufacturer when customers use something then want to return it because something new has just come out. It's also weird for the customer to buy something, use it once or twice, then learn about the new version, like in your case. The manufacturer doesn't want to...
  7. Rocket J Squirrel

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Have you used it?
  8. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Are we going to need to start a new Q thread? I should be getting mine in a day or two and might post differences between it and my Extreme (if I find much to write about) which makes that a hybrid post. But sooner or later someone is going to ask something like, "How hot should I run my Q?"...
  9. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Rumors. <rubs hands together like Montgomery Burns> Excellent.
  10. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Elevated CO2 in what you breathe can cause health problems. See, for example, But for the few moments that you're rebreathing a bag of old air, it should not be a problem. Just don't climb in the bag and plug the hole behind you.
  11. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    On my Extreme, the lamp comes on when the element is being heated (power applied). When it reaches the setpoint, the lamp cycles on and off as the controller applies power to keep the temperature at the thermal sensor at the set temp. If I lower the setpoint, using the front panel up/down...
  12. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Best to email to confirm that all models are like mine. Radio Shack, in the US, sells some universal power supplies and has plenty of adapters to help mate the supply to the vaporizer. Trick is finding someone at one of those stores who is smart enough to make sure you got...
  13. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    My Extreme's power supply puts out 19 V DC, and is rated for 3500mA. This is standard laptop power supply voltage, and any laptop computer power supply that can handle the Mains voltage where you are, outputs 19VDC, and is rated for 3500mA or greater will work. The trick is finding one with the...
  14. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Any decent small electric heater, like them little puppies folk put under their desks to keep their toesies warm can be left on 24/7. A good vaporizer should be build with parts that are every bit as reliable.
  15. Rocket J Squirrel

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    No argument there, my friend. The new metal finish is darker, that's probably the main visual difference. I have not heard anyone rave about the "new look."
  16. Rocket J Squirrel

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around the three temperature sensors. Which one is the microcontroller watching? Maybe he's got it watching them all, waiting until all three are reading close to the same temperature, making sure that the heat has reached where it needs to, indicating even...
  17. Rocket J Squirrel

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    A product can evolve incrementally. Don't need to add tail fins to a car to make it a better car.
  18. Rocket J Squirrel

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Yeah -- big directly-heated triodes. :lol: And before that, coal.
  19. Rocket J Squirrel

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    I was thinking the opposite. The Extreme's stainless steel and black polymer design allows it to blend in in the kitchen next to the stainless coffee pot and toaster. The new "Midnight Chrome" look might make it more noticeable. We will see.
  20. Rocket J Squirrel

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    The temp readout on the vaporizer is not the temp of the herb. It's the temp at the thermal sensor. I believe that THC will cheerfully vaporize at 180C, and I get plenty of thin gray vapor at the 200C setting. And it gets me buzzed. If that ain't THC then I'm a perfect candidate for placebo...
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