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  1. lwien

    Low Cal, Low Fat Edibles...........

    So I've been consuming my ABV with firecrackers, but they are really high in calories and have a high fat content, both of which I'm trying to limit in my diet. Suggestions, with these caveats: It needs to be quick and easy to make I've now nailed it down to 2.5 gr of my ABV works perfectly...
  2. lwien

    Server move.........

    Wow, this server move was totally painless, at least on this end. I've seen server moves that were nightmares. Good job ! :tup:
  3. lwien

    Why Crowd-Fund.....?

    Ok, this is what I don't get so if someone can explain the rationale behind this, I'd really appreciate it and please understand, my question has absolutely no negativity behind it at all. I'm just trying to understand why anyone would "invest" there money for the "possibility" of owning a...
  4. lwien

    Do You Have a Vaporization Routine...

    ...per session or are all of your sessions spontaneous? I've kinda settled into the following: 2 hits from my LSV (either through transfer wand or bong filled with very warm water) 10 to 20 minutes later...a booster hit from my MFLB 60 to 90 minutes later...a shot of Jameson on the rocks or...
  5. lwien

    Meet the robot guitarist with 78 fingers.....
  6. lwien

    Jimi gets his own US Postage stamp........

    Who woulda thought, eh? If there's an afterlife, he would be sooooo amused by this. :D
  7. lwien

    Cosmos and the Republican Religious Right

    I wonder how long it's going to take before the right winged Republican fundamentalist Christians will come out of the woodwork to denounce the tv program Cosmos as heresy, especially being that the prologue was done by Obama.
  8. lwien

    Which Vapes Broke Ground for others to follow:

    Here's my take, in no particular order: The Eterra The Volcano The MFLB The VaporBros The EVO and the Sub are groundbreaking designs as well, but imho, are still in their infancy. The SSV may come into consideration but one has to wonder if the VB didn't exist, would the SSV have seen the...
  9. lwien

    Gupta: 'I am doubling down' on medical marijuana.....
  10. lwien

    THIS could be problamatic.........

    ......especially for veterans such as myself whose primary care is through the VA.
  11. lwien

    Banks cleared to do buisness with MJ dispensaries....

    This is a first......
  12. lwien

    Wow......... Check this out.........
  13. lwien

    Contest Suggestion

    I think that contest participation should have the same qualifiers in regards to length of membership, post count and likes as it is in the classifieds. Just my :2c: . There's just something about people who just join the site to enter a contest and then leaves without any contribution to...
  14. lwien

    To all you spelling Nazi's out there.....

    ......put THIS in your pipe and smoke it !!! Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the...
  15. lwien

    Counterfeit MFLB's......

    Don't know if this link has been posted before, but if it hasn't we may want to sticky it here, eh?
  16. lwien

    Using Multiple Vapes

    So I've had multiple vapes in my possession for quite some time but I've always used just one of them per session............until just recently. My current rotation is as follows: Fire up LSV and use for my first two hits. Let it cool off and put it away. Use my MFLB for maintence hits as...
  17. lwien

    The Internet is changing and it's NOT good......
  18. lwien

    CNN is becoming more and more pro-pot as of late........
  19. lwien

    Something You Just HAVE to have........

    I HAVE to get one of these for Halloween next year:
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