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  1. Stu

    Supreme Vaporizer 2. Used Once.

    This is an almost brand new SV2 that I just got in the mail on Friday (3/16/12) from Ed (manufacturer). It works perfectly. This vaporizer provides very dense rips and can really deliver. I bought it because I heard about Ed's clearance sale that he had to make room for a newer version. He...
  2. Stu

    Pat Robertson is at it again I'm pretty sure this is one of the signs of the Apocalypse. :tinfoil: :peace:
  3. Stu

    Handling Amber Glass

    I have some amber glass and I'm not sure how to handle it. It is contained in a small plastic container that it came in. It is really hard and sticky and but still viscous. Would it be easier to handle if I put it in the freezer and hopefully it solidifies? Or should I heat it somehow and...
  4. Stu

    iPhone apps

    Anyone care to share any cool iPhone apps? Doesn't have to be weed related, but a cool new app suggestion is always welcome. I just got an app called "Frweed". I bought the pro version for 1.99. It is a database of marijuana strains. Although it only has 203 strains in its database so far...
  5. Stu

    What best to do with cleaning ISO

    I keep a small jar of ISO around to soak various vape parts. I haven't changed it for several months and it got to be the color of single malt scotch. So I decided to strain it into a pyrex dish and see what I could harvest from it. The darker glob at the top is the result. Sticky as hell...
  6. Stu

    Michigan Drug Checkpoints

    I guess the 4th amendment doesn't mean anything any longer... JD Supreme, IAMKrazy et al..... Beware! Drivers face checkpoints
  7. Stu

    My only other dispensary got raided today.

    I'm really pissed. A month or so ago my favorite dispensary was shut down by the City of Brea. So I've been using my back up (so to speak) dispensary that is the only other one I've found around my area that appears safe. It was a place called Today's Hollistic Collective in La Puente. As I...
  8. Stu

    Record-High 50% of Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana Use

    Results from a new Gallup poll
  9. Stu

    IRS ruling strikes fear in medical marijuana industry This really sucks....
  10. Stu

    Vaping Northern Lights

    Has anyone else vaped this strain? I was given some to sample recently and looking at it I was not impressed. The buds were medium sized and seemed kinda dry. They didn't look frosty at all. It smelled ok, but nothing special. The potency was suprisingly good. And the clouds just kept...
  11. Stu

    Anyone in the path of Irene?

    If so, what are your plans? Stay or go? It looks like it's really barreling down on some seriously populated areas now. I'm just an observer from the left coast, but my thoughts are with all those who are about to take the brunt of this storm. Good luck to you all! :peace:
  12. Stu

    Duo Sold Bongs At Pennsylvania County Fair

    Couple busted for selling bongs in Pennsylvania Really?? Really??? :rolleyes:
  13. Stu

    AtmosRx Portable Vaporizer Has anyone seen this vaporizer before? Apologies if it has been discussed before, but a seach I did came back with no hits. TokinGLX just posted a youtube video today where he reviews it: :peace:
  14. Stu

    We need a logo

    I know we have some creative people here on this site. I think it'd be cool to have a nice looking "Fuck Combustion" logo to put on the site. Any graphic artists out there that would care to donate a little sumthin' sumthin' for the cause? I can't draw for shit, but I was thinking about...
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