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    IG giveaways

    So I enter pretty much every giveaway herbal related. Does any one else have this problem? If you answered yes we should definitely be IG friends n tag each other. My ig is @iDRINKBLEACH.dx.xb

    How does he transfer these images?!

    I asked if the images were transferred he said yes but it's a secret. I asked if the were safe to wash n keep the design fully he said yes. How is this done? I dont blow glass I'm just really curious...

    Completed [H] Tinymight [H] [W] woodscent bundle[W]

    Edit--- looking into woodscents and feeling the need for a log setup. Looking for new heater WS So I have my tinymight I bought back in july from the maker that was probably only used for a couple months. Everything works perfect. A couple scuffs on the battery cover is it. The stock...

    Art contest on ccv IG

    They are doing an art contest for designing a mood mat. 2 will be picked and used for ccv new mood mats. Pretty good haul. I'm hoping I have time to get in on it but it is busy season at work so idk. I really want but I KNOW there are a ton of great artist on here also that could/would toss...

    Want to Buy Newvape dual pid stand

    On the hunt for one of these if any one has and has moved onto another pid.

    Vape dynamics dip

    This was on their site $180 preorder Say hello to the world’s most revolutionary, smart yet all-in-one solution dab rig vaporizer ever designed. With VapeDynamics DIP, you can seamlessly switch between flower & extracts modes for the optimal vaping experience. Unlike the...

    South Dakota

    Just saw my wife's mail in ballot and we full heartedly checked recreational and medicinal. Fingers crossed my friends. It will be nice to finally not have to hide my love for this herb if any pass.

    Starting a headshop?

    With legalization possibly around the corner I'm contemplating starting a headshop. I'm not rich by any means but would like to throw 10k down. Using mostly dhgate. I'm wondering the best vendors for this situation, product suggestions, marketing ideas. I've never tried to own a business and any...

    Want to Buy Weedeater diffuser or other FP parts.

    I'm on the hunt for the weedeater diffuser. Really only need top half but if you have head assembly and only want gone as full piece lmk. Might be interested in heat post, carb caps, things a long those lines.

    For Trade Galaxy dunny rig

    For trade I believe I paid somewhere in between $400-$500 in 2016 no chips or cracks. Looking for other glass or desktop vapes. Comes with dome and dabber

    Completed Pax 3 for convection

    Pax3 - comes with box and original accesories with glass wpa. In good condition.

    Want to Buy Vapbong.

    Let me know what you got. Prefer no art editions. USA. PayPal, wiretransfer app, and Ameritrade available to pay.

    510 to 510 extension cable

    *exstension like tetrax* I was wondering if any one knew makers of these. I found one on reddit for $60. I was wondering if any one knew some irons

    Online CBD gummies

    I dont know if there is already a thread for this but I am on the hunt for an affordable reliable brand so I can intake cbd during long work hours where I cant vape. Any suggestions?

    Dunny stand???

    I'm in search of a solution for my dunny its feet are flat surface but not completely horizontal so I always have to lay it down making it so that poor thing cant be displayed or during sesh has to be played down on its face or risk easy tipping. I would like to let it stand n get it off its...

    Artist, what do you make?

    I like multiple mediums, one that I enjoy is oil painting. Here is some of my art work What art/crafts do u enjoy?

    Want to Buy Tinymight or tetra p80

    Iso either vape. Send message with pics and how much use its has. I live in USA, paypal and other sources of payment. Pay pal is preferred.

    Solder iron box mod.

    I want to make a more compact portable g43. With a ceramic solder tip . Think it's possible with doing something like this? I see he uses super glue and that could be avoided I imagine. Do you think it would be safe?

    NFC Solder iron vape box mod?

    Hi, I've been away from the vaping scene for awhile and was looking into a lot of new ideas that people have made. I ran across a YouTube video of a guy turning a vape box into a portable solder iron. Could I do something like that with a ceramic tip get a glass fitting to go around ceramic...

    I'm done

    New legality issues I'm off this website. Thanks for everything!
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