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  1. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    No problem. I get high quality hash from Morocco regularly and that's very soft and oily too. My nano handles it really well. I usually sandwich it between two layers of flowers - I prefer this to the cotton method. Seems to vape forever... :tup:
  2. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Mines also plugged into a 100w step down too and it's on all the time I am at home and not sleeping. I turn it off only if I leave the house or go to bed... This can be anywhere from 10-18 hrs a day, usually at 6.5, although I might take it down to 6 if I won't be using it for a couple of hours.
  3. Gray Area

    JoDa Glassworks

    Just wow... now I am seriously impressed :o This and the Kraken gong are by far your best pieces to date imo... I'm an "ex" glassblower myself (long time ago) so know this stuff isn't as easy as it seems watching youtube vids ;) If I were you I'd seriously be exploring this topic/genre a bit...
  4. Gray Area

    JoDa Glassworks

    Very well done on the Kraken mate. That's a really nice piece you did there :tup:
  5. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    This is exactly how mine seems to be working too. In the UK, using extension cords and 240>110 inverter (not sure if that even makes a difference). Have combusted on 7 once when the load touched the heater screen. Tend to run at 6.5 and adjust the dial a tiny amount either side to fine tune...
  6. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I really think the numbers are arbitrary, and results will vary lots due to the design/simple build of the dial too. I can combust on 7 if it's been on for a while and the herb is too close to the heater... Then I've heard others say they use it at a higher number in the dial and allow the...
  7. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Re selling to a wider audience, a 240v compatible ver would be nice for the European market if it's not too expensive to implement. Needing a step down transformer to use it will put some people off I think. Maybe not real enthusiasts, but you already have the attention of that market... If you...
  8. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Plenty solid reviews in this thread though @GanjaAroma
  9. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Yeah, that one will be fine - 100w is the suggested rating from Andy... Looks identical to the one I got at Maplins for a fiver more. I was the same, however found preparing the bowl, stiring between hits, fiddling with the glassware (I never smoked through bongs/bubblers, but love vaping...
  10. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Now that's going to be a very nice option (when it's black) if you can't get matching wood for an exotic... Will they have the cork pads??
  11. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    My nice new 3" Blackwood stem arrived today from @Ed's TnT :tup: Start at 5 end at 7... much much cooler than I was expecting from the shorter stem. No noticeable wood smell or taste from the blackwood... Beautiful too :love:
  12. Gray Area

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    I'm pretty sure it's Amboyna... my blank cracked (which I always knew was a possibility/risk), and like a true gent Ed pulled me this beauty out of his private stock. I believe he was going to use some Afzelia burl he had but eventually went with a two tone Abmboyna. I'm very pleased he did...
  13. Gray Area

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Thanks Ed, they're just stunning...
  14. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    That's why I bought adjust-a-bowls... ;)
  15. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Stock gongs for me too :tup: Have a couple of 18mm and one 14. All are the open type without the restriction behind the screen. Work a treat. I did flip the screens round as they came fitted bowl up (toward nano) and I prefer it bowl down. The stems I got actually came bowl down already...
  16. Gray Area

    Portable nugget vapes?

    solo handles nugs easy... no turning required.
  17. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    It's dead easy: Order a "your wood, our nano" from Epicvape and get the order number from the confirmation mail etc. Buy a blank from @Snappo and give him that number, he then ships your blank direct to Andy including your order number... all done :tup: As long as it has the cork pads ;)
  18. Gray Area

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Ed's TnT - artisan craftsman of unique wooden dugouts, vapor stems & accessories. Dunno about the look. Kind of like the front of the one you've got. Imo you should save the product shots for the back and not over clutter the front. Maybe sharpen or tidy what you've got up a bit but I'd...
  19. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    The stand's cool :tup: Would be cooler with a black metal plate and cork pads on the bottom though...
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