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  1. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    FCLOVE should give you free shipping..? I'd be up for a deeper bowl all glass stem/gong too.
  2. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Yep. It was about £14 just over 2 years ago for mine... no idea if the cost is the same (most of it's a PO handling charge :mad: )...
  3. Gray Area


    @Oliver Wendell Schmaltz try this thread to start with...
  4. Gray Area


    +1 for the torch lighter advice. I (only) used a torch with my coil and had fantastic results... :tup: The only time I've used a bic with a VG is with the aluminium bat, and I have to say I was less than impressed.
  5. Gray Area

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    That's good to hear, nice one :tup:
  6. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Wow, that works a treat :bowdown: Thanks for the tip. :peace:
  7. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Well I got my 5 pack of gong's yesterday... 6 days from ordering to arriving at my house in the UK :tup: Free shipping too :D Big thanks to Andy or Clarissa for accidentally missing off some numbers on the value of the package (and marking the value as $2) which resulted in me avoiding a...
  8. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Dunno where you are, but iirc I paid £14 to get my nano through UK customs...
  9. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I'd be very interested in an all glass gong with a deeper set screen :tup: ... or a few :D
  10. Gray Area

    cheap vaporizer for one week

    I just did the same, trip to Amsterdam etc and bought a vapor genie coil to take (and leave) worked a treat (much better than expected tbh). I'd happily buy that or another of their line again to do the same :tup:
  11. Gray Area

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    Wow. These just get better and better... That Blackwood mini :drool: And really like the grooves round the bottom of the Massasa log :tup: ... and I think we have a winner with "gwong" :D
  12. Gray Area

    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Looking great Ed. can't wait to pick one of these bad boys up. +1 on the basket screen suggestion from @Baron23 love the ability to adjust the load size on my nano gongs o suit my mood :tup: :peace:
  13. Gray Area


    Wow, that's some collection you've got there :o
  14. Gray Area


    No, it was left in a coffeeshop with the guy at the bar. Hopefully he/or someone else will get use of it. I'll give you a shout next time ;) I simply had nowhere to clean it... had a long wait for a flight after leaving the place I was staying (ADM Amsterdam, fantastic place, an old shipyard...
  15. Gray Area


    Thought it was long overdue time I came and reported how very impressed I was with the VG coil I bought for a recent trip to Amsterdam. I bought it to take unused and leave there after use... Wow, was I sorry to leave it. I too did a couple of empty hits to get the feel of the heat to expect...
  16. Gray Area

    The Arizer Air

    I basically get four sessions from each battery religiously then recharge. Two show green batt level when turned on, then one shows pink/white and last session shows orange when the unit is turned on. I've seen no decrease at all in this pattern over the almost 2 years since I got my air. This...
  17. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I have a 100w step down I got from maplins. It looks just like the one @flotntoke posted a page or two back. It's been on multiple hours/day for a couple of years now without probs. I just took a look in the Maplins website, and what it says is "for loads of 70w or higher please ensure the...
  18. Gray Area

    The Arizer Air

    My air is my "out and about" vape... dog walks, travel to work, and if I'm visiting others and expect to be with a few people/vape virgins I'll take the air over my lotus. I opt for no screen, no grind and flip the bud half way through the session. Works great on the go, or out in the wind ;)...
  19. Gray Area

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I've used this one for 2+ years (min 16 hrs/day) without issue. I'm in the UK and got it from Maplins iirc.
  20. Gray Area

    Looking for a disposable vape for dry herbs

    I just did exactly the same on a trip from the UK to Amsterdam. Bought a cheap vape to take and left it there. I opted for a vaporgenie coil. It actually works fantastic with a single flame torch and I was more than impressed. It's about the same price or cheaper than the vapcap (I think?)...
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