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  1. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I am experiencing my first Pax problem. If any of you have experienced this, please chime in. I totally cleaned the pax yesterday and installed a new screen (I did NOT take the spring out or push anything down where the spring goes). I had one session with it and turned it off, nothing out...
  2. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Just a heads up for anyone who had spare parts on order from Vape World, I just got confirmation from Vape World my parts shipped yesterday FINALLY :clap:
  3. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Thats so strange, I use my pax with high end flowers usually mixed with bubble hash, and I dont clean mine much at all. Last time I cleaned it was approximately 3 weeks ago, and I've used it 3-6 days a week (1-3 sessions a day) and its functioning perfectly fine.
  4. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    IMO it is the holy grail of vapes, I have NO downsides (knocking on wood). I dont clean mine often, I dont charge it often, I pack between 1/4 bowls and overly full bowls, and I take it all over the place with me. Like I said, this is my opinion which may be biased because I have had 0 problems...
  5. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I had some mid-grade stuff a week or so ago and I couldn't get it to vaporize at all, I ended up giving it all away to my neighbor. Small bowls work good for a quick session, but a fully packed Pax bowl is the way to go. It lasts me a whole day (few hits here, few hits there) OR 1 whole...
  6. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    So since I've received my Cloud I've kept the temp dial around 1 o'clock position and it seems to produce great vapor, but I was wondering what some of the advantages & disadvantages of using a cooler (10-11 o'clock) temp and/or a warmer (2-3 o'clock) temp? I don't medicate much, so it would be...
  7. Espo

    The FC Bubbler by PlanetVape

    I am in for 18mm as well. I've been looking for a nice bubbler to compliment my Cloud nicely, and this looks like the one. Has there been any pricing announced yet?
  8. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I totally agree! I prefer the Cloud over any other At-Home vaporizer to date (including the volcano). I totally dislike the 'whip' style, but to each their own.
  9. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Wait...the viVape beat the cloud?!?! ...where was it tested and voted on? Personally I think the Cloud is the Maybach of vaporizers, pure luxury.
  10. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Im anxious to see some videos of how the showercap works, because I think thats what I am going to purchase next (or maybe a Mobius).
  11. Espo

    FC app / Tapatalk

    Sucks! I use TapaTalk 99% of the time I visit the forums, and I was wondering why it wouldn't work with FC. Hope you get the problems worked out so we can use TT again in the future!
  12. Espo

    Discontinued miVape by Vaporfection

    This thing looks great!! I wish I had the funds to pre-order one now! I will own miVape in the future. If I come by a few extra Benjamins before they are officially released i will then pre-order.
  13. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Yes, a clean Pax is a happy Pax but dont stress out about having to clean it every time you use it. I've had my pax going on 10 weeks and I can count on one hand how many times I've cleaned it from top to bottom. I do clean the mouthpiece quite often (to avoid any chance of sticking) as well...
  14. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Week 9 with my Pax and thought I would check back in. Its been working flawless for me! (knocking on wood) The battery lasted me a whole weekend while camping, and still flashed yellow on my ride home. I ONLY vape on high anymore, espically with bubble hash sandwiched between 2 beds of...
  15. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Thank you sir! I am going to visit my local shop before I order but I dont think they sell any pipe cleaners, I could be wrong.
  16. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    All you 'heavy cleaners', I asked a few pages back and no one answered me. Where is a good place to pickup quality pipe cleaners? I'm almost out of the ones Ploom supplied with the Pax and the pipe cleaners I found in a local craft store shed like a dog, and I don't want pipe cleaner fibers in...
  17. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    If you pack it in tight (I use a tool) it works well. If its loose it doesn't work as good. Basically I fill the whole oven up (loose) and then pack it down which makes it about half full. Works for me! :)
  18. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I do it just fine! The tighter you pack the 1/2 oven the better it is. I'm actually going to pack a half oven now.
  19. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I'd love a HT with a bend in it, would make it easier to sit and hit if you ask me.
  20. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Here is my method when I want to get 3 sessions out of one bowl pack. I pack my Pax pretty good/tight, turn it on MEDIUM for 2-3 hits and immediately turn it off (dont forget to get that last 'hit' out after the mouth piece is closed). This gets me medicated. I then turn it back on HIGH for...
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