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  1. Espo

    VapeXhale Cloud - Evolver HydraCirc

    Sold 2 packs of ELBs. So now the package will come with 5 packs (20 brandy new ELBs) and about 6 used ELBs. Lets try $390 NET
  2. Espo

    VapeXhale Cloud - Evolver HydraCirc

    Happy Holiday Price Drop! Lets make the price for the cloud $400 NET to me If you are interested in any ELBs send me a PM too. PM ME AND WE WILL TALK
  3. Espo

    VapeXhale Cloud - Evolver HydraCirc

    I will also sell the package cheaper if you don't want all 7 sets of ELBs. The ELBs are not being sold separately at this time in case someone is interested in the whole package.
  4. Espo

    VapeXhale Cloud - Evolver HydraCirc

    Okay guys, lets move this! How about $440?
  5. Espo

    Discontinued miVape by Vaporfection

    Talk about FAIL. I am still going to check the mV out whenever it is released and make a purchase decision then, just sucks they keep pushing the release date back.
  6. Espo

    Discontinued miVape by Vaporfection

    I am very anxious to see some reviews on the mV. I am not one to preorder anything so I will make my purchasing decision once they are out. I know and read all about the issue FC is having with Vaporfection so are we going to be able to keep the mV thread open and active so we can all see FC...
  7. Espo

    VapeXhale Cloud - Evolver HydraCirc

    Never thought I would do this but I am selling my Cloud Evolver Circ. I have absolutely NOTHING bad at all to say about this vape (or VapeXhale) - except its not a portable :lol: . I am selling it because I just dont medicate enough anymore to justify owning this piece and someone else should...
  8. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I had no idea there was a new model (don't read the forums much anymore since there is no TappaTalk). What are the differences between the original one (like I have) with the flared bottom and ticks versus the 'new' one that doesn't have a flared bottom and doesn't tick?
  9. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I will time it later when I get home from work. I use my Pax exclusively on High but can test the warm up times for all three (low, med, hi) with proper cool down times. Talking about the draw -- when I first got my Pax (when they were released) it was VERY hard to draw (still worked and got...
  10. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Got my replacement Pax this weekend and noticed 2 differences vs. my first one. This new one seems to heat up a lot quicker than my first, I never actually timed my first one but this one is noticeably faster at getting hot and turning green. Also the draw on this one is MUCH better than my...
  11. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    No I dont leave the window open at night, but I do leave it open with a fan on 'exhaust' mode while I am vaping. I have to try to keep the vapor out of my apartment because I dont want to stink it up. I have a Bengal cat that LOVES to fuck with everything, so I put the cloud behind the fan in...
  12. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I guess my whole though process is wrong? Even though it doesn't cool down instantly, what if 0* air hit the 400* glass inside the Cloud...I guess that will be fine?
  13. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Well I am just asking because of the glass inside the Cloud, I am not worried about the metal. When glass is very hot then cooled down quickly it can crack. I am talking anywhere from 0*f + It gets really cold here at night in the winter, and I dont want to place my Cloud in front of my...
  14. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I agree. My Pax was perfect for 14 weeks and then I got some ISO on my temp button while trying to clean the spring area. Not a manufacturing problem, but a user problem. Just keep the Pax clean and be careful with your cleaning process and you will love the Pax. Also, the 10 year warranty is...
  15. Espo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    QUESTION: Since the weather is getting cold, I have a question about the cool down process of the Cloud. When it comes time for a Cloud session, I plug it in next to a window this way when I am vaping I can blow out the window, and when I am done I usually leave the cloud next to the window to...
  16. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Been 8 days without my Pax, my replacement will be here tomorrow and I CANNOT WAIT! Ah how I miss it so much!
  17. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I had the same problem with my Pax, it was like sucking on a straw in a thick milkshake and nothing will come up the straw, I contacted Ploom and they sent me out a new oven lid which took care of the restrictive draw and now it draws more like a cigar. I also found out if you just tilt/crack...
  18. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Yes, my mouthpiece got stuck, I contacted Pax, they told me to dip the metal tube on the mouthpiece in ISO and put it into the Pax and push it in and out a few times, and repeat the ISO dip until the resin is gone, but the ISO got onto my temp button making it stick and when I pushed it in to...
  19. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I just cleaned it out with some q-tips and 90% iso 2 times, hopefully it wont stick anymore, espically if I am out and dont have a hair dryer! NOW I am having an issue with the temp button, It was sticking, but now its not sticking per say, I can change the temp but the button wont 'click'...
  20. Espo

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    That worked!! But what is causing the mouthpiece to stick? What are should I pay more attention to when cleaning?
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