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  1. D

    own a Vapexhale should I get a herbalizer

    Sounds like I'll be getting a herbie I got the Percision honeycomb hydratube wondering what I could purchase to adapt that to sit straight on there without using a hose I did it one time consider getting the volcano but I've heard some things about the company don't seem too great like some...
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    own a Vapexhale should I get a herbalizer

    own a Vapexhale should I get a herbalizer ... if someone could give me a good reason to get a Herbie to
  3. D

    Vapexhale p. Honeycomb hydratube fit herbie

    Vapexhale p. Honeycomb hydratube fit herbie ? I'm getting the Vapexhale in with the p. Honeycomb hydratube and I wonder if that piece would fit the Chong choice herbalizer ... ha anyone use the new Watson bubbler from herbie .. how do they compare
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    The Herbalizer

    What's the best grinder to use for the herbalizer .. and what type grind is best... lose grind ... but not fine right ?
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    The Herbalizer

    make sense to me thank you so much for your help
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    Herbalizer vape vs vapexhale evo...

    Lol ........ I don't blame you ..... I would have to probably LOL
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    Herbalizer vape vs vapexhale evo...

    Thanks so much fir your input .. I greatly appreciate it ...I guess I was getting hook on that H .bulb and thinking it'd be a better experience and better extraction on the herbalizer ..thanks again for your opinion I greatly appreciate it
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    The Herbalizer

    Thanks so much for giving me a breakdown of that after reading what you're saying that makes sense it's just I was just surprised because I had picked up a Vapexhale evo ... and never had any of that stuff pop up on their website ....I really appreciate you taking the time reply thank you
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    Herbalizer vape vs vapexhale evo...

    OK so I'm new to vaping and I went out and purchased but have not received Vapexhale evo .. with the Percision honeycomb hydratube .. I can't help but to seek I should have gotten the Chongs choice herbalizer ... i'm still tempted to do so ... because of the Bulb and the smoothness and the...
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    The Herbalizer

    Why does herbalizer scare you with .... So I'm new vaping hi everyone ... and I went to go purchase the chong choice herbalizer .... you have to check mark this thing that says you're old enough ... then you have this long list of all of these things saying how you're responsible for the...
  11. D

    Anyone use the Herbalizer Watson Bubbler yet ?

    Anyone use the Herbalizer Watson Bubbler yet ? I can only find it on there site . Also can the precision honeycomb hydratube fit correctly on the chong choice herbalizer or volcano classic ?
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