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  1. 7oli5

    Dynavap VapCap

    Noob question: Just received my 420 omnivap XL and I am wondering why there's a carb hole on the side if the airflow is adjusted from the condenser? P.S: This thing is so ridiculously light it feels cheap and fragile loving the extra length and overall improvements
  2. 7oli5

    Custom CARBLESS VapCap Ti stems

    sounds good sailor, please share pics when you have some ready
  3. 7oli5

    Dynavap VapCap

    Guys, it is obvious that lately, the company has seen an explosion in popularity and some time will be needed for them to adjust. I am sure George will gladly hire new people to ensure quality consistency etc. The popularity goes hand in hand with increased revenue for the company so I don't see...
  4. 7oli5

    Dynavap VapCap

    Wasnt there supposed to be a stream like half an hour ago?
  5. 7oli5

    Dynavap VapCap Thank you George for the gift and retail Joe for the sweet note:) Its funny I got the M for a friend combo because I wanted the M18, now I have 4Ms and I'm about to buy an omniXL and an IH (it's coming I'm feeling it) on Friday 420! 3 months ago I didnt know what...
  6. 7oli5

    Dynavap VapCap

    My condolences to you Dynalowrider, stay strong. I am planning to get myself an omni ti for 420, the M is too heavy to hold with my lips. I am fine with the M size, my hands are not big I suppose, but I wouldnt mind the extra length of an XL if the extra vapour path really improves the vapour...
  7. 7oli5

    Dynavap VapCap

    Dynavaper I have a jack russell named Dexter (great minds think alike) and he means the world to me. I'm glad to see yours is recovering. Sending you positive vibes
  8. 7oli5

    Dynavap VapCap

    Can you share a link of the site you got it from? When I click on the picture this website takes me to another product
  9. 7oli5

    PAX 3 by PAX Labs

    I have been solely using my vapcap since it arrived a few weeks and decided to use the pax last night for a change. A different, but definitely equally enjoyable experience. When I got the M I felt sorry for spending 300 euros on pax but knowing it will last me 10 years and that it can be used...
  10. 7oli5

    Dynavap VapCap

    I have been following the Barcelona event through live streams and social media and I am so sorry I didn't come, it's just a 3-hour flight from where I live. I will be definitely participating next time in Amsterdam!
  11. 7oli5

    Best bubbler experience with pax vaporizer

    hello fellow stoners I have a pax 3 and I want to get a water tool to enhance the experience. I am either gonna get a Honey Glass bubbler or a mini glass vaporizer bubbler. both links below.
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