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    Herborizer corner

    So this might be a stupid question, but can this vape be used outdoors? Obviously I get that it's a desktop, but I wanted something to use on a balcony, using an extension cord, wondering if colder temps would be an issue
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    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    Thanks, based in the UK though!
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    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    What's the best place to find out about future drops? Interested in an OAB
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    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    can the OAB/VB be used dry?
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    Hey where did you get the mouthpiece?
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    Underdog Log Vapes

    Is it possible to use the normal stems in an alpha?
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    Ah thanks will look at that. Was actually looking for something with a slightly smaller mouthpiece, more like a joint
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    Are there any good mouthpieces for this other than the grav labs one or dynavap fat mouthpiece? Also does anyone know if it's possible to connect a dynavap stem through some sort of adapter?
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    Underdog Log Vapes

    Hmm ok, well my plan was to heat it up inside then move it outside only when using it, so I guess that would probably work
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    Underdog Log Vapes

    Sorry for the dumb question, but can/should these be used outside? I've got a balcony (with access to a power outlet) and wanted to sit out there, but not sure if the log will work correctly if it's cold etc
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    Looking for induction heater recommendation for Dynavap

    talk to @phattpiggie he made my induction heater and it's absolutely beautiful. Thoroughly recommend!
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    Underdog Log Vapes

    Thanks for the replies on the different heater types. Are the SC3+ and the alpha heater essentially the same then? Just with different bowl sizes?
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    Underdog Log Vapes

    What's the difference between the cores e.g. SC3 vs alpha? What would you recommend for someone coming from joints? I generally put .3-.4 in mine and then light to let them go out, coming back to them over the course of an evening. Also is it possible to attach a whip?
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