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  1. S

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Yup build quality seems good, it's just if it does break it's a long round trip to Finland and back!
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    EU store for Keck clips

    Problem is I'm not looking to buy in bulk
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    I'm terrified of taking my TM anywhere. I have a dynavap for that
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    EU store for Keck clips

    Ah hadn't considered DH will take a look, thanks
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    Best Option for MicroDosing Vape

    I've been using my tinymight for microdosing. It's on demand and allows you to out quite a small amount in the stem (just covering the CU)
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    EU store for Keck clips

    Does anyone know a good place to buy these?
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    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    Are they going to do a run of the mini oab again?
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    How can I post in the classifieds?

    Thanks for the support 😊
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    How can I post in the classifieds?

    You must be an actively contributing member with at least 60 days membership, 50 posts, and 25 "likes" received to create a thread in the Classifieds. Lol need to be less of a lurker
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    How can I post in the classifieds?

    Do you need a minimum number of posts?
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    The J-hook thread!

    changing the topic slightly, what are people using for j-hook stands?
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    Discontinued The NEO by Prrl Labs

    Would the Purr bowl fit in the hemson pipe? If not are there any wood pipes that would fit a bowl like that or generally work well with the Neo? I saw the CDXX pipes which look awesome, just wondering if there are any others.
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    Discontinued The NEO by Prrl Labs

    How does the power of the neo compare to desktop vapes like the fp / herbo etc..? I actually have a herbo, which is nice, great flavour and power etc.. problem is because I mainly vape outside it's a bit of a pain to use. Having something in a portable package seems quite attractive. So does...
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    How do you guys pack your stems (yes I cross posted in reddit r/tinymight2)? Mainly interested in the gap between herb and heater. I imagine if too close to the heater you're more likely to get hot spots?
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    Herborizer corner

    Mine has arrived, it is pretty damn awesome. Any tips.and tricks I should know about? Other than don't drop it which I did within the first five minutes, smashing the glass surrounding the heater. Fortunately had a spare. Actually I'll go first: Always order spares...
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    Herborizer corner

    Does anyone ever unplug their herbo once it's hot? I'd guess it would retail n heat for a minute or two once up to temp?
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    Herborizer corner

    I was thinking of getting the grav labs coffee mug for my (arriving this week) herboriser TI. Bit concerned I might be putting the heating element to close to my face? Has anyone tried this combo or something similar?
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    Need help identifying a bubbler

    You are all totally awesome thank you!
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    The J-hook thread!

    Is there anywhere like Oregon glass blower in UK/Europe?
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    Herborizer corner

    I'm not anywhere particularly cold! I've got a tinymight already for walks, was looking for something for when I need a bit more power, plus it's a European vape which works for me from a warranty perspective
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