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  1. rcflo

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Yes, I am asking about a second one. Since I use my 14500 tube for oils with the bottom cap all day everyday, I'd like to have a second to plug up my 14650 tube that I use for tanks and attys (currently with foil as a bottom cap).
  2. rcflo

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    normal bottom cap for 14650 batts in 14650 tubes. THC you are awesome, thank you
  3. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    Yeah I don't need anything special, that's expensive. I'd just like it to smell nice while my solo is cooling down from a long sesh
  4. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    I am also interested in hearing peoples' experience with this as well. I am tempted to throw some 0mg all vg juice in the potpourri dish to see if I can get a nice fruity aroma. Will share results after work tonight
  5. rcflo

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Hey THC or DubC, or to anybody that may have parts laying around? How may one procure an omicron bottom cap? I've seen one for the persei SS tube on the D9 site for a while now, and would love to have another omi bottom cap. Reason is, since getting my 14500 tube, my omi is strictly 14500...
  6. rcflo

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Video if possible please.... !!!:o I would love to see this quad cart fog machine in action
  7. rcflo

    Win an Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci!

    I think I may have made the clips a bit too long around in the drawing. It is meant to slide in and out vertically. One piece of glass is always much stronger than having joints IME. Although a horizontal clip in would be more secure because you could have more contouring clips, it's just not...
  8. rcflo

    Win an Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci!

    I thought I would share my submission with the community for feedback and contribution. Considering how great all the entries have been so far, I can't imagine the Ascent not eventually getting an amazing GonG adapter. Thanks to DV for offering such a nifty contest and good luck to all, I hope...
  9. rcflo

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Sorry!!! haha I guess I am just too quick. My CC was busted out already too! you caught it quickly too, thanks for the heads up
  10. rcflo

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Got my 14500 tube in on Monday! (ordered friday late afternoon, +1 D9). I love my omi even more now. I feel that my 14500's perform even better now without the need of the filed down aluminum spacer in the normal tube. Possible?? I know the new AW's I got with the tube are obviously in better...
  11. rcflo

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Any word on those 14500 tubes G?
  12. rcflo

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    They are all slightly different but from my personal experience, all should be very close to 7.7g
  13. rcflo

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Thanks G! Now I can finally retire my diy attachment! BTW, if anybody wants to know how to make one of these, PM me, and i'll upload material pics. it's incredibly simple, fully airtight and no glues/epoxies or anything used other than glass, silicon tubing, the autoclavable cap, and an old...
  14. rcflo

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    I love the ambition! document this epic slide sesh and I will personally crown you sir stealth :cool: Video or not, have a great time at the water park! :drool: <-- upon arrival into the pool after a massive breath of omivapor
  15. rcflo

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I believe TET has replaced their ecig line entirely with the new cera ecig juice core and cera unit... yeah i guess its that good? We will have to see. And knowing what kind of customer service TET strives for, I would not be shocked if in a year from now, with no replacement on hand, and...
  16. rcflo

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    I believe that he throws his dart in the oven at low temp to speed up the drying time. Some also use a heat gun. I've used the same 'syringe pump' that I use to iso wash, but dry, to blow air through the dart to dry it quickly before 20/20/20. Hope this clears up any confusion
  17. rcflo

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    FWIW, if any of you still want to opt for some 2000 mAh AW IMR 18650's, I just came across a great deal browsing around. Its a daily deal though, so hurry. Thought I'd share Edit: After looking a little further, I don't know...
  18. rcflo

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    I can't wait to get the shorter tube and some more AW's! What would be even more great would be a FC members 50% off code for the 3.7 herc to drop at the same time. Get quite the awesome order all in one. I've been dying to try out the herb herc.
  19. rcflo

    $25 Ego C Twist Variable Voltage Battery and Omicron Carts

    Thanks Haywood, I've been wanting one of these boxes for a while now, and your great review-like post has definitely confirmed that this is what I'm looking for. Especially since i only use a couple of DARTs as my daily drivers on the go. Sometimes, those quick one hit sessions need to happen...
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