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  1. rcflo

    Arizer Solo Our good friend Randy will hook you up! Enjoy
  2. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    Damn, been away for 3 weeks and it took over 3 days to catch back up... you guys post fast. Pipes, I'm loving the super fast development of your all in one plug, I hope to be one of your first customers for one. Soloman, hows the essential vape setup working for you? I was never able to pull...
  3. rcflo

    SPAC - 3 nights of Phish

    Soooo FC..... Who am I going to see there??? It's going to be pen central at Lee's this weekend. Hopefully see some portables out there too! I know my two solos will be constantly pumping through cool glass in various campsites. Gonna be some great weather this weekend, so if youre...
  4. rcflo

    Contest - Win 3 JyARz

  5. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    Sure, here you go Tiny bit of an imperfection in the cut, results in just a slight dip in the edge of the glass after flame polishing, no biggie! edit: As you can tell from the cloudiness, ive used it a couple sessions since making it earlier :D
  6. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    Believe me, anybody can do this. I used a dremel grinder bit cause thats all I had on hand, a glass score tool would have obviously worked, but any ceramic grinder bit will score glass. Youtube a video on glassblowing 101 and see how they snap glass (tubes especially), there are a few...
  7. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    So I had a couple extra stems laying around, and I wanted a really short GonG adapter to make my solo a bit like a log style vape where you have to hold/press for contact against your glass. I scored the glass and snapped it, flame polished it and cut a piece of silicon tubing to fit. (A few...
  8. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    :lol: I think this sour diesel is slowing my get a joke sensors this morning too, keep the fun going! Wish I had me some jack herer to mix in now. Btw, I am most definitely down with your humor, pak. but seriously, help my resume/CV with your magic skills
  9. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    That is unfair :huh: , especially coming from a mod, trying to make somebody look like they lied. Why did you photoshop my images? thats not cool, but i have to ask... how did you do that!? Looks like there are particulates now. Well, I will upload a video once i get back from the beach for...
  10. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    It's hard to have a playful tone come across in a forum post. I should have added some funny smileys to my post, but i only meant to be friendly and add some fun to the thread :shrug: Just one screen, size 325/400 SS mesh that i cut out from a couple big sheets i have. I put a PV screen up on...
  11. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    Dreamerr do NOT listen to him. Take that back... NOW! I will take as many as you want, but don't make me do that. I think you are just jealous Seriously, i wouldnt have expected anybody to jump to conclusions and accuse photoshopping (which i dont even know how to do, the ascent contest...
  12. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    I agree, knowing (by knowing i mean uncountable) the number of stems i've packed to get it that far, i find it amazing as well that close to NO particulates have gotten through. I use a single 325 or 400 screen (I've got a few in rotation don't know which ones which) and quickly clean the bowl...
  13. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    And so oilier it shall get :tup:
  14. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    Right with you Dreamerr! I've been using my custom GonG only for hydratube sessions on the go (since its so short, the pinnacle WT pretty much sits on the solo, its perfect). At home, I've been building this stock stem up with my bub. The past few days, i've been asking myself if it's time...
  15. rcflo

    Glass and Milkshot Video Thread

    Was over at a buddy's the other night, we collabed, hows this for a hidea? double showerhead going the reverse direction with hydratube on top :science: Milk from TV DART on 14500 powered omicron edit: anybody notice my solo stem? its getting there
  16. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    Interesting, because i get the opposite effect. I have an oring in, with the stock stem. if the stem is all the way pushed in (especially if you actually push on it), airflow is somewhat/greatly reduced. if i back the stem out a millimeter, (or as small an increment as i can), airflow is back to...
  17. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    A couple pages back, you can see pictures of an 'eclipse vape' style oil attachment i whipped up, if you search my posts. It worked alright, definitely the conservative way to go due to only being able to get a lot of small hits. But then again, some prefer larger clouds. I still think...
  18. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    Sorry I should have provided a better picture. The metal stem from the omicron cartridge is a tube, so it lets air in. Without this, you would not be able to suck. This brings air in when you pull and pushes the vape up and out
  19. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    Here's what I put together in a couple minutes. It actually surprised me a bit, i put a dab in, got about 15 nice (still whispy but great tasting) hits, similar to the hits seen in the microdab youtube videos. However, there is still oil at the bottom of the dram, and it would take sooo many...
  20. rcflo

    Arizer Solo

    I saw those microdab videos a while back on youtube and was not impressed... I don't know if the solo is capable of delivering a nice fat oil rip. Ive tried rolling a few looooong thin strips of 325 SS mesh into a cylinder to fit perfectly inside the stem, (to act like a volcano pad) and i got...
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