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  1. rekrab

    The Vapor Box TBH

    i dropped in on one for $29 to try, proly end up selling it to a friend but worth the test i hope
  2. rekrab

    Discontinued Elevape SV

    im in the same boat as @Kaptan i love the simple look, however that 270 price tag is out of my range right now. who knows maybe i will win the lottery.
  3. rekrab

    The Vapor Box TBH

    who were you dealing with for a distributor, im talking to someone named Crispy, very nice and helpful offering to ship a unit for 28.55 or something and she will take care of the other costs, might drop in on this guy for test. i like the simplistic look of it.
  4. rekrab

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    thanks guys
  5. rekrab

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    hey @ataxian or @SSVUN~YAH whats that dual torch you guys use again i cant seem to locate it through the search. im in need of something new from my honest. is it still the best lighter you guys have tried? still giving no problems?
  6. rekrab

    The Vapor Box TBH

    ya lowest i could get them down to was 25 shipped i think.
  7. rekrab

    Arizer Solo

    woaaahh same, just put some oil in cotton with my pvhes gong and ashcatch:zombie:
  8. rekrab


    any chance anyone could do a demo video of using the torch with a vg classic. I saw vitolos however he was able to adjust his to a soft flame. i have the torch that i use for my lotus, and i am still a little confused on how to use it with my genie
  9. rekrab

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    ya flower was the lady i spoke to. really nice, really quick. I still havent made the plunge as I to am a little skeptical of the components. If this thing had a few higher temps I would be in for sure. heres hoping
  10. rekrab

    Arizer Solo

    jhook with an ashcatcher and my pvhes gong on level 6 literally white walls the bubbler for a least 2 or 3 pulls. you can always try different packing densities or change draw speed to achieve the illustrious "CLOUDS"
  11. rekrab

    Paying It Forward Auction: Original VaporGenie Volta

    $69.00 woop woop:cool:
  12. rekrab

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    @gibson we are all just assuming there will be a version 2. no guarantees yet unless @Egzoset has some insider info from smiss
  13. rekrab

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    @Tricuspid check out the arizer solo thread or magic flight, puffitup is always a good choice great CS. as for the flowermate you are always gambling when there is no warranty and coming from overseas
  14. rekrab

    any NHL fans here?

    these playoffs have not gone any of our ways carey price knee=golf clubs for the canadians
  15. rekrab

    The Magic-Flight Box

    couldnt agree more @KidFated. i was thinking the other day like holy shit, this thing is so fucking small and im just vaping basically in the palm of my hand. still blowin clouds.
  16. rekrab

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    42 bucks shipping to canada haha darn.
  17. rekrab

    Arizer Solo

    oh ya im not worried really, i think i actually recall glancing over some talk about it. my battery just drops more bars when im using the woody. solo on!!!
  18. rekrab

    Arizer Solo

    mine unit seems to always runn really hot on the outside and drains battery fast with the ed stem. do you find similar?
  19. rekrab

    Arizer Solo

    id say you should just get a wood one to have ya know, just in case. the taste is interesting, dont get me wrong i will always choose glass first however the wood adds a new twist, still tastes great with great flowers. like your sucking on an oak tree infused with weed. ed doesnt disappoint
  20. rekrab

    Arizer Solo

    ya so im pretty sure my buddy just dropped in on this deal after he tried my solo. i told him where to check and the prices and stuff yet he still went for the cheap one from hongkong, i warned him after he sent me a pic the webpage, hopefully hes able to send it back or get a claim
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