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  1. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    the parts are piling up, wondering how @Pipes removed the original pin of the 510 adapter. Any recommendations how to use a the RX 300 on this project. I have used a Kangertech KBOX nano and a Smok Alien on Ni with a Sub-Herb and a screen in the bowl to make separation between the element and...
  2. jimt0r

    DIY 510-Compatible Rebuildable Dry Herb Atomizer

    the parts are piling up kinda looks like stuff in the bulli thread, I would have to reconsider the size or type of glass adapter 18 female to 14 female seems rare without increasing the mass of glass. Any guesses the sizes of glass the op used? I twisted the SS...
  3. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    soooooo jealous cant wait for skelly to get here on that slow as boat
  4. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    now that ya point it out they are different colors top and bottom. good to see there wasn't any visible travel in the bottom insulator of either side of the test
  5. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    ah good results, now to see if i can find a use for bag of 1000 nylon lol did you use all nylon on one and all peek on the other? maybe do a hybrid test, peek on top and nylon on the bottom
  6. jimt0r

    DIY 510-Compatible Rebuildable Dry Herb Atomizer

    Time to revive this thread, in my quest to tinker my V.A.S. away I had ordered a couple LANCIA RDA's through fastech and I was waiting on them to arrive before working out the requirements for the glass. Now that I have them they look so tiny, I really should be used to this as most pictures to...
  7. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    look for Delrin Tube Blanks might be useful for them melted insulators
  8. jimt0r

    The auto-magic super rZToaster, or something like that..

    Love that Display if ya do a nekid kit, i would recommend mountable buttons and a wire leads, ribbon wire for the display. to allow for a little flexibility for custom boxes i kinda see where phattpiggie might be going with this, glass tube with a inductive load wedged in the tube to perform...
  9. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    I can outsource the use of the 1st 2 items by going to friends and family and the later I have. Threads like got me started in looking at all this, some parts in relation to this project are on the way as...
  10. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    At the time when i had asked Pipes about acquiring a SF there wasn't any mention that he was still furthering this project. Its all good tho, I made the decision to put some pocket money into making a small stash, using local talent such as @Kamikaze Viking for my wood work and supplying people...
  11. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    Is this project still going? The only things got me stumped where to get stuff from is the teflon insulator, o-rings and what size the SS tube is Never mind about parts, i did not see the links in the parts list the SS tube link is broken tho
  12. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Woot!!! one half of the perfect vaping experience is here OMG even with a BIC lighter these are awesome Modnote: Edited to display image Thanks Mod - please pm correct method
  13. jimt0r

    Glycerin extraction in a Magical Butter Machine

    hey mate I have no experience with the MBM (tho i dearly would like one), My experiments with making infused liquids has mainly been with PG or VG (vape shop assures me it is USP) A) Steeping used and resinous vape parts in a bath - this was not a very good experiment, double boiled on the...
  14. jimt0r

    The auto-magic super rZToaster, or something like that..

    This is sounding good, I'll be interested in one of these too, be it in kit, naked or finished form
  15. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    @duff A grommet to take up the slack in the hole and making a firm fit i use these in my home made water filter
  16. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    ah i see where you are coming from here, tho it may be problematic i'll still experiment
  17. jimt0r

    Room for another Log Vape Maker (in Aus)?

    love your work bro, the pictures of the stuff ya don't have here look even better. I hope that last kink gets worked out and we get to see some working units
  18. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    I look forward to having some of these wonderful pieces of technology, If the vap caps come sooner I will be testing them out on my induction cook top
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