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  1. jimt0r

    Room for another Log Vape Maker (in Aus)?

    Been using the left vape as my daily driver for the best part of 2 years through all sorts of weather (5c-45c) and has not missed a beat, the cables are no where near the airpath and adjusting the temp of the vape is the users responsibility during seasonal variance PS if ya wanna see inside...
  2. jimt0r

    Light Box Vaporizer design and build thread (formerly B1)

    i love it, solid and simple
  3. jimt0r

    Dynavap VapCap

    i find all the tips that i have ( ti and ss ) really restrictive and when i draw too hard i get a decent belch of vapor after coughing my ass off trying to burp i like to be able to use it with a buckety/gravity or a water pipe after quitting ciggies and getting back to the herb i was vaping...
  4. jimt0r

    Room for another Log Vape Maker (in Aus)?

    nice one bro
  5. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    yay!! it is finally here!!! only a quarter of a year in the waiting LOL ***CAUTIONARY TALE*** check your addresses in PayPal. I had multiple addresses associated with PayPal and Skelly had been sent to an old address. thankfully with the patience of @Pipes and the bribery of the new residents...
  6. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    nice to see someone from Australia having luck with postage nice to see someone from Australia have luck with the post
  7. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    I'm living it too, I feel your pain.
  8. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    that box rocks :rockon:
  9. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    so... this is gonna tide me over till @Pipes skelly gets here and also got me thinking that the type of power pack used for the jarhead may be one designed to charge lead acid batteries, rests around 1amp and in use 5 amps
  10. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    didn't get any with mine, or it it was broken going on a ship instead of a plane :zombie: tHe WaItInG iS dRiViNg Me BoNkErS :rip:
  11. jimt0r

    The auto-magic super rZToaster, or something like that..

    thats classic mate :lol: I gots to get me one :D
  12. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    I have all my bits together, new insulators and all. I will be starting after I get my hands on a completed induction heater, I need some input weather updating/overwriting the stock OS on a Wismec RX300 would be feasible otherwise i will be waiting on yet another mod and batteries
  13. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    *sigh* still waiting on a slow ass boat in the mean time I'm building a lab power supply out of an ATX power supply to pair with the pre-assembled kit
  14. jimt0r

    The Amazing Vapor Lung!!!

    you use yours in bed? sure aren't going far for a wake and bake LoL :rofl: Instead of a plastic cap I used a cork off of a scotch bottle and drilled and filed a place for my second "M" and another for my butchered Yocan iShred. The original lid broke too easy so now I use the top of a dead...
  15. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    I am sure someone would bogart that hole over an extended conversation around a crowded table. As to power many units I would be looking to a PC psu to supply the amps, that would still leave the 5v rail to charge usb devices. I'd imagine it would be a "party" device rather than everyday use...
  16. jimt0r

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    interesting, I have .5kg of each coming, Chamomile Catnip and Damiana I have tried the Chamomile and Damiania back when i was still combusting, so I'm really indulging I what I know and a touch of driving my cats nuts (if it really does such things)
  17. jimt0r

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    i know this thread is but comatose, but thanks Deja Vu for this link
  18. jimt0r

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    yes and the waiting is killing me softly its times like these i love and hate boats
  19. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    Hold the press!!! the rubbers in them have just enough flex that i could push the top of the pin and make the bottom end poke out a bit and grab it with pliers then to unscrew the pin. now to finish the others edit. :rofl: in the end...
  20. jimt0r

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    I see like drilling the head off a rivet, was that though the top?
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