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  1. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    The color comes from the anodization process, it\'s not a coating. Even though it increases the strength considerably it is still aluminum and can be gouged or worn over time. This should not be. The magnet is not imbedded far enough. This can be replaced under the lifetime warranty. Sounds...
  2. captainhits

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    I use vector but as long as its 5x filtered or more your fine. It's not the butane that make it light in color its primarily the quality of the bud, and the rest is packing it properly and finding the right balance between heat intensity and length of time of purged (lowest temp vs shortest time...
  3. captainhits

    Space Case

    I can confirm that. The darker color was an update and the way it fits is exactly correct. Its allows free turning movement but stays in place with the neodymium magnet.
  4. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    Ok...hope everyone had a stoney September. The winner of this months 4:20 contest is akwardsauce! :clap: (Let me know which finish you'd like on your grinder) Great reviews! Again the draw is random so if the choosen winner happens to have written a spectacular review it is not by design (at...
  5. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    I agree my preference is to store it in the mid section and I did for years (I only use wax now) without any problem. I think its when you shake it with the pick in the mid section it could get wedged between the two. I never shook mine or had it tumbling closed in a bag etc so that's probably...
  6. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    hey great review, Never too many! Be sure to leave the review on to enter into the contest! Just putting the review here on FC dosent enter it into the 4:20 drawing ;)
  7. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    ...I'm assuming this occured by leaving the pick in the mid section and it getting caught between the screen and the holes in the top. That can cause it to puncture. The pick should be stored in the bottom where it comes, or outside the unit but not in the mid section where the herb falls...
  8. captainhits

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    lol ;)
  9. captainhits

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    Just keep the second run oil separate and try vaping it next to the first run oil. You'll be storing that second run oil for a dry day like we used to store resin as kids. When I was testing it I stashed some that I did use to cook with but it was so nasty that it just made the stuff taste bad.
  10. captainhits

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    Anything after one run is garbage, mostly consisting of non-psychoactive plant oils, and will taste like shit. It's truly not worth the cost of butane your using (hopefully you are using vector or something minimally filtered 5x) let alone your time. It will always be darker than the first run...
  11. captainhits

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    here's a good pic of green crack grown to full potential. This nug will produce a nearly colorless oil.
  12. captainhits

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    You are welcome! Pure kush I ran last night:
  13. captainhits

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    Christopher Walken Kush 20% yield. So sticky even as wax I couldnt roll it into a ball without it attacking my fingers. I will have to post pics of my dry oil pipe one of these days. Its a custom glass piece with an up and down sliding nail built into the bowl.
  14. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    you can submit as many reviews as you like but only 1 per draw will be counted. :peace:
  15. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    That will go right out
  16. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    Just drawing. I have also updated the contest however to offer your choice of Space Case Magnetic Grinder 2 PC any size you choose, Titanium or Polished (your choice), OR any size Space Case Airtight Cylinder Case. :peace:
  17. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    lol, just in time...Wat! Ok the winner this week is blackbur :wave: Glad you got it, nice review. Email me your info! Due to such low participation in this contest (5 entries per week 3 weeks in a row) I'm going to have to make it a monthly contest and see how it goes. So from here out it...
  18. captainhits Monthly Space Case Giveaway

    be sure to post this on the site to enter the contest
  19. captainhits

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    anything above 15% and LIGHT in color to colorless (KEY) in my experience is killer. If it comes out dark it's got a lower THC to plant matter ratio. 7 grams Skywalker OG + 7 grams Tangerine OG. Both so sticky I could barely break it up so I could it pack in. ;)
  20. captainhits

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    When you extract killer high grade nuggets, the wax is almost colorless to very little amber color and the flavor is so clean and pure so you can taste any impurities easily if they are present. It's extremely smooth, and you could take a half gram and drop it on a skillet and you wouldnt see a...
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