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  1. Grass Yes

    Issues with FC on mobile

    It's possible that you have some other content filtering. I know chrome will also do content filtering. What other mobile browsers did you try?
  2. Grass Yes

    Issues with FC on mobile

    I agree with @Cheebsy . It sounds like your mobile network provider is content filtering.
  3. Grass Yes

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    The CouchLog was the first that I'm aware of. It's great, one of my favorite vapes. If you count the REFC Highlighter, then you have an earlier one. (I don't count it for pedantic reasons). I believe the new WS also use pearls for heater mass. Although I haven't had the chance to try one yet...
  4. Grass Yes

    Airvape Enso

    Just a heads up. Please keep this thread on topic. Also our first rule is "Be Nice". And I'd also like to remind everyone our rules state clearly: Update: this thread has been permanently closed by request from the manufacturer.
  5. Grass Yes

    Profile Information for better communication

    For the most part I just look at posting history. It's typically more up to date than the list on people's profile. And for opinions, it's easy to see who is sensible and has similar preferences to me just by reading old threads and lurking.
  6. Grass Yes

    Zeal, Ω, and Epitome

    Epitome kits and standalone are restocked on the CC website. Tempted to upgrade to the dual PID controller, but I am going to stick with what's working for me 😄
  7. Grass Yes

    Looking to buy my first Ball Vape

    I think that Omega in the Classifieds looks good, however I would want to upgrade the coil with an axial coil. And that looks like it is probably the old style NV PID controller, so you might have some trouble finding new coils for it. If you look at the ball vape thread you'll find a few good...
  8. Grass Yes

    Tafée Bowle

    You and I have a lot of overlap in art interests. I have a dream of someday spending a summer up there at Pilchuck, doing a couple of their sessions. I've considered sharing photos of some of my (non-functional) glass art collection but most would identify me quickly. Nearly posted the Persian...
  9. Grass Yes

    The Screwball by Vapvana

    I think I'd rather have the head securely held, rather than balanced. Although I've never actually used that crappy stand that came with the screwball aside from the photo above. I just use a CH hanger and post. I'd definitely recommend anyone upgrade the stand immediately.
  10. Grass Yes

    The Screwball by Vapvana

    I say upgrade both handles while you are at it.
  11. Grass Yes

    2ZM by Herbaltherm

    I don't see 30 seconds as long enough to build up enough heat in glass for any meaningful conduction. I have access to many glass bowls and powerful heaters and I can show reliability that a glass bowl won't vape your herb if you heat it in any reasonable way. Five minutes with a ball vape isn't...
  12. Grass Yes

    2ZM by Herbaltherm

    Assuming you mean one of the videos linked above. The only mention of conduction i found was in the start-up video. The start up video says that the screen is close to the heater, does that mean that the screen is adding conduction? It's an odd claim as that would definitely add uneven heat...
  13. Grass Yes

    2ZM by Herbaltherm

    I'm a bit dubious of this claim. In the first place, glass is a terrible conductor but an excellent insulator. That's why all my RBT vapes are great pure convection devices. Being unregulated doesn't really change that, although you can hold that button down long enough for radiant heat to...
  14. Grass Yes

    2ZM by Herbaltherm

    Is this due to a change in the bowl material? I don't see how even a larger heater could change this.
  15. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    That's a TM 1 in the video.
  16. Grass Yes

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    Ignoring this part at the top of a year old article feels intentional:
  17. Grass Yes

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    I realize it's a waste to point this out but the article you linked literally says crime is down but that reporting to the FBI is lacking.
  18. Grass Yes

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    Reading that Marshall project article to say crime is up is a wildly incorrect take. Linked from the same article: Not to mention that we can see crime is way down...
  19. Grass Yes

    The Toad from Morwood

    Toad stems have an outer diameter of about 14mm. Tinymight is around 16mm.
  20. Grass Yes

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    I see this often. I find it hilarious because Amazon literally has their own shipping company with thousands of trucks and a bunch of airplanes. Not to mention a huge fulfillment and logistics company inside the company. Probably hard for BCG to make one of those. 😄
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