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  1. Bruce@Zephyr

    Has the interwebz saturated the vape market?

    in general or as a plural for dildo? *edit* sorry man, you left that wide open, I had to take it......
  2. Bruce@Zephyr

    Has the interwebz saturated the vape market?

    When pricing things online vs in a brick and mortar shop,... does one take into account shipping charges and the wait?
  3. Bruce@Zephyr

    Has the interwebz saturated the vape market?

    Actually that has been a crossover in the works for 10 years or so. A lot of porn stores are scared to carry "smoking" items because they figure the porn already has them in a fringe market. The crossover has been facilitated by the introduction of blown glass dildos ( what is the plural of...
  4. Bruce@Zephyr

    In what quantity do you normally acquire your medicine?

    reminds me of a joke my daddy used to tell me. How do you catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut.
  5. Bruce@Zephyr

    Has the interwebz saturated the vape market?

    From my experience there is more than one type of head-shop. There is the guy that is a stoner and started a shop, there is the corporate guy that started a shop, there are a few foreigners that have started head shops and lastly tobacco shops that evolved into head shops out of necessity. The...
  6. Bruce@Zephyr

    In what quantity do you normally acquire your medicine?

    There are a couple folks (from my generation I think) on this site that can keep up with me just fine. Fiend is kind of a strong word, heheheh I figure I will cut back consumption when it starts interfering with work HAHAHAHAHAH
  7. Bruce@Zephyr

    Favourite and most disgusting munchie food you eat when ripped

    sounds like rocky mountain oysters sort of,...... Tonight tho, is all about the peaches Peaches come from a can they were put there by a man in a factory doooowwwntooown If I had my little way I'd eat peaches everyday sun soakin bulges in the shaaade
  8. Bruce@Zephyr

    What's The Average Age Around Here?

    HAHAH totally spaced out Buckaroo Bonzai
  9. Bruce@Zephyr

    What's The Average Age Around Here?

    Here is a question relating to our average age... Who (to you) is Christopher Lloyd? a) Hacker b) Dr. Emmit Brown c) Reverend Jim Ignatowski d) Commander Kruge
  10. Bruce@Zephyr

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    bezump *edit* that is what happens when you wake up to Snoop Dog
  11. Bruce@Zephyr

    In what quantity do you normally acquire your medicine?

    in my experience depending on the dispensary, location and quality you can get a G from $5 - $30
  12. Bruce@Zephyr

    In what quantity do you normally acquire your medicine?

    I vape two bags in the morning, I vape two bags at night I vape two bags in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright I vape two bags in time of peace, and two in time of war I vape two bags before I vape two bags, and then I vape two more to paraphrase The Toys or Sublime your choice. *edit*...
  13. Bruce@Zephyr

    In what quantity do you normally acquire your medicine?

    Just me and I do tend to share but I don't give any away. It would be hard to share with the whole company since we are spread out all over the USA, IN, CA, VT, CO
  14. Bruce@Zephyr

    cool movies to watch vaped

    I know that city, go to High On the Hill and tell Gerry Bruce sent you.
  15. Bruce@Zephyr

    In what quantity do you normally acquire your medicine?

    I reckon I come by my job honestly. Bear in mind I used to own a rolling paper company and went through more than that.
  16. Bruce@Zephyr

    In what quantity do you normally acquire your medicine?

    by the OZ, once a week like clockwork
  17. Bruce@Zephyr

    How Much Do You Pay For Bud?

  18. Bruce@Zephyr

    cool movies to watch vaped

    not only do you like Tom Waits but your in Indiana as well,... the corn thing caught me. I am in South Bend
  19. Bruce@Zephyr

    What's The Average Age Around Here?

    My mother used say that Bobby Zimmerman was a second cousin, but I think it was some BS she made up to impress her friends "back in the day".
  20. Bruce@Zephyr

    How Much Do You Pay For Bud?

    I know but "insert imaginary friend here" was just too much to write at the time. *edit*was hoping to save that long drawn out conversation for some other thread
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