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  1. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion Contest /Promotion/something free

    oh yea,.. you spelled Zephyr wrong,.. lost points for that one and of course fire is out of the question.
  2. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion Contest /Promotion/something free

    If someone were to enter and win (or not) and we used that persons entry for promotions or ads, we would make certain that person gave us permission and received recognition for their talent. Anyone can enter from anywhere. Off the continent I may ask for a little help on the shipping charges...
  3. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion

    Kelsec. You would like to learn a bit more? I would be happy to pass along anything I know but you gotta help a little by asking questions. I tend to get vaked and give longer answers than folks may enjoy reading. The whip add-on,... shoot me an email and I will...
  4. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion Contest /Promotion/something free

    You want a copyright not a patent but that is ok, the sentiment was understood.
  5. Bruce@Zephyr

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    6pm bumpity bump bump
  6. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion

    I agree with Hippie Dickie and Iwien,.... Till all the tests come back it is a matter of preference.
  7. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion

    Funny you mention it,.. I would much rather talk about glass on glass than teflon. HAHA We are working on a glass system for the direct draw and whip crowd. In the current incarnation, the glass end piece fits snug onto the nozzle tip.
  8. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion

    Again I maintain there is no # associated with Polytetrafluoroethylene, there is no Polytetrafluoroethylene #1 or #2 Or #3 for that matter. The name itself describes what the product is. If I am mistaken I would be happy to amend my assertions that teflon is teflon is teflon,.. the applications...
  9. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion

    I am not certain where you gentlemen are getting your information but there is only one kind of Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) it doesn't matter who the manufacturer is. The chemical composite is the same. That being said, the Teflon we use for the Zephyr Ion is only on the nozzle tip where...
  10. Bruce@Zephyr

    your favorite strains

    Strain out of Michigan before the DEA killed the man who grew it. 911 (*note* this was prior to September 11) 36% THC not sure the exacts but it had some super silver haze in it and some hindu kush and I think I tasted a bit of nutmeg... second favorite is whatever is in my hand!
  11. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion

    The very next line states "Animal studies indicate that it is unlikely that these products would be generated in amounts significant to health at temperatures below 250 C (482 F)" since this pretty much repeated the info from earlier in the post, I chose to leave it out.
  12. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion

    PTFE or Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)is a white solid at room temperature, with a density of about 2.2 g/cm3. It's melting point is 327 C (621 F), but its properties degrade above 260 C (500 F). The max temperature for the Zephyr ION is 440F keeping it well below the range of any...
  13. Bruce@Zephyr

    Vapor Party

    I guess what I really wonder about,.. what would be good events for a VapeOlympics? The HIGH dive
  14. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion Contest /Promotion/something free

    This contest is not over,... the first part isn't even over yet,.. it runs till sunday midnight and we will start the second part monday. Good luck! B
  15. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion Contest /Promotion/something free

    hehehe well I think we will stick to the two free Zephyr Ions on this first contest. :brow:
  16. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion Contest /Promotion/something free

    I thought a whip enthusiast was/is a direct draw enthusiast... am I missing something? EDIT!! ohhh such as the Iolite is not a whip style but is a direct draw,.. sorry for clumping them together,.. does this mean I should provide 3 units?
  17. Bruce@Zephyr

    New logo

    I am too new here, I have no "old" logo to compare it to. Looks great to me,.. quick, to the point. I can't read where it says "(there is no best vaporizer)", wouldn't have known it was there if I didn't read this thread. I like it all the same.
  18. Bruce@Zephyr

    Vapor Party

    I will preface the below by saying sure I may be Vaked,... but like but um hear me out man.... I spend plenty of time traveling the country going to various trade-shows, rallies, cups and events associated with the industry and oh how I do love this industry!!! I have yet to see a vapor...
  19. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion Contest /Promotion/something free

    I have already seen a couple contests ideas that I think would be winners. I can't imagine what all I will see by Sunday when this thing ends. I can't rig it this way,.... but I would sure like for the winners of this contest to be a Whip Enthusiast and a Bag Enthusiast as I would love to get...
  20. Bruce@Zephyr

    Zephyr Ion

    Again perhaps I was not as clear as I could have been. 99.99999% of any leakage I have come across has been due to operator error. The three issues I brought to light in my first post on this forum should have that explained. When everything is put together and the operator of the unit is...
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