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  1. havealight101

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Nevermind, my postman ROCKS! He tracked it down to another truck and brought it by. Good stuff.
  2. havealight101

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Yup, tweek club it is... Talked to national CS around 430, they were no help, but said to call later and start an inquiry if it didn't come by the end of the day. I then spoke with my actual p.o. and they were kind enough to search around, but to no avail. So I guess its the waiting game. TET...
  3. havealight101

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    "Guaranteed delivery by 3 pm Feb 19" USPS doesn't know where my package is... Bummer It left the sort facility 20 miles from my place on Sunday, but never made it to my P.O....
  4. havealight101

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Haven't you seen all the vehicles going through the ice? Us norski's like thin ice, we serve some sort of purpose, what it is, I don't know. Ok.
  5. havealight101

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I know sarcasm is not the best tool to get my opinion understood, for that(and only for that) I'm sorry, and will remove if it means I will be understood better. I do understand why you used the wording you did, because there were(i repeat were) raging mobs that did feel overly entitled, but I...
  6. havealight101

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I agree, they don't owe us(the "howling mob") anything... Yup bit them in the ass huh, I concur. As for the howling mob,they seem to have been quieted or moved on, lately(about the latest switch debacle) I've seen more constructive showings of dismay mainly in well thought out manners, even by...
  7. havealight101

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    That solves the side switch deal I guess, but doesnt change the fact that there will be NO "always on" switch/mod to come from TET(yeah I beat dead horses...fuck PETA). I've learned to "roll with the flow", I've been quiet round here because I've been "ok" with what has transpired since the...
  8. havealight101

    Positive Feedback

    Buyer:Nevertheless1090 Description of item:US Tubes Bub Cost of item: $ 210 Payment time:quick Shipping time:shipped the day after payment and USPS did the rest in 2 days Rating out of 5:5 Comments: Never was a pleasure to deal with, I wouldn't hesitate to work with him again. I will say that...
  9. havealight101

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Damn Presidents day, I guess I'm expecting a Tuesday delivery of LLC with EL(dual purpose)core as well. I'm hoping to name her "polyamide be gone"...
  10. havealight101

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Where's the money shot? Not the mark wood kind either..
  11. havealight101

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Whoop whoop! Just did a min ago. To bad ol'man said its not the right tool for me... I think I've proved him wrong before, once, and now hopefully twice... Edit:fyi: Nov. 20
  12. havealight101

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I've smelt the abv dust(time to clean), I've seen the lightly toasted insulation, but have not smelt any insulation in my old ticker(RIP). :2c:
  13. havealight101

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    Incorrect, but I won't sell, so I guess you were correct.... Edit: there may be some "like new" out there though
  14. havealight101

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I have had nothing but quality and professional service out of VXL's C.S. team during my warranty exchange. I have received a tracking #, and hope to see my unit this week. Thank you guys! BTW, does no one know what a NDA is?!?
  15. havealight101

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    I own both units(not xp), and I feel taste and vapor bonging goes to solo, but the new upgrades to the xp are enticing and could catch up or surpass the solo in a WP, but flavor can't be changed. INH is a sweet pocket vape elsewhere the solo needs some mighty big pockets. I feel they are in 2...
  16. havealight101

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    Gotta love the Soft Boys, thanks bob. @ stickyshisha, Thank you!! Great find. Those guys make me proud of my Norwegian heritage, the true definition of Scandahooligan.
  17. havealight101

    US Tubes 40mm Bub w/removable Perc

    Yeah I'm keeping the HT, they are nice, you'll enjoy whatever one you get with the cloud. It does come with the adapter shown, and I'll throw in a female/female 19mm and extra k-clip for added versatility. Sorry for the late response, I quick posted this morning before running off to work...
  18. havealight101

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    For bags, the vapor lung seems like the best unofficial bag filler for the cloud. I never tried making one, but a quick perusal of NF's thread makes it look pretty simple.
  19. havealight101

    US Tubes 40mm Bub w/removable Perc

    Hey bud, good choice going with a cloud. 1. No its not a cloud buddy, but an adapter that allows more clearance. So similar in that fashion, but doesn't have the extra GonG joint or plug. 2. In its native form, the cloud does Not fit on it. With the adapter above, it does.The picture above...
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