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  1. Nbajunkie

    Hardest Hitting Pocket Vape

    Thanks for bringing me back down to earth.Using a torch is kind of intimidating.Not opposed to using it,just not outside. Not ideal..Seems underrated though(vapman)
  2. Nbajunkie

    Hardest Hitting Pocket Vape

    That vapman sounds more and more appealing. Cause I keep sucking flame out of my vaporlithe.It is very hard hitting but I find the vapor to be more dense and smelly. Cant vape inside. I assume because you reach temps closer to combustion.and the wood shells too...
  3. Nbajunkie

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    The only place Ive seen the charger is from retailer..I beleive they are based out of California.You do need the home unit (smaller base)to use the car charger. I always leave mine on for about 2 hrs straight, when I come home from work...
  4. Nbajunkie

    Vapir Rise Desktop Vaporizer

    That's a specialty of ours here:p
  5. Nbajunkie

    Any else own one of those Rolling boxes?

    If its too loose you can always re roll it.wrapping it once more. That's what I do if I ever combust some mj. Probably burned4 times in almost my yr of vaping..Plus the first one I roll is always ugly so I have to roll twice(2papers).Plus it burns slower. :) I had a simple roller that I used for...
  6. Nbajunkie

    Battery Vapor Genie

    I like the looks..The logo on the glass is a nice touch.Is the spring on the top left corner a sort of safety switch,where the battery wont work unless both that and the spring are depressed? I hope the volta comes out in darker finishes. I see that bowl getting grimy fast..But I love the metal...
  7. Nbajunkie

    MFLB (Walnut) and Every Accessory! (NEW)

    Maybe for pimpin out his reviews ? mod note: FYI TheHerbalReview does not go around "pimping ou his reviews". This sort of comment is close to violating our "Be nice" rule. Please take note.
  8. Nbajunkie

    Random Awkward Moments

    These moments should be called the wall of shame. The time as a teenager my dad walked in on me masturbating. Sharting more than any grown man should..SHAME That aqward moment when your 5 year old calls you out.. There's more ,But I usually just suppress most memories Wet Isn't...
  9. Nbajunkie

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    nope..buying through the manufacturer is your best bet
  10. Nbajunkie

    Where are the Game of Throne fans?

    That has got to be the most depressing theme park on earth..awesome! :)
  11. Nbajunkie

    Mystery Vape Message Contest

    unhinge me and align your senses unhinge and unwind Lets play Doctor Yes Im a Doctor No flatlining allowed
  12. Nbajunkie

    Mystery Vape Message Contest

    I am your cerebral tour guide I entise the senses Know me and know science The science of vapor
  13. Nbajunkie

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Just checked inside my mv I noticed more of a muffin top.Maybe 6 Inhales later, and its not evenly brown yet. I have never experienced any tunneling. I too check the mv site daily!and I wonder will today be the day?..
  14. Nbajunkie

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    I agree, just tried an overfilled bowl over the rim,without the basket. and my smoke buddy rattled, felt like its going to give much vapor-cannot High as hell right now
  15. Nbajunkie

    The Herbalizer

    yes but also the cost of materials . Like the lcd screen would dictate the price. i cant see it costing less than 500
  16. Nbajunkie

    Termini bub w/ torch

    thats a sick piece. seen it on nice deal! how much with no torch? also care to discuss the dual percs? do they take away from flavor,is it low drag? you ever use this bub to vape? thanx..
  17. Nbajunkie

    Mystery Vape Message Contest

    I am the lucid dream machine
  18. Nbajunkie

    Mystery Vape Message Contest

    I think you've had enough (as the unit is shutting down)
  19. Nbajunkie

    The Herbalizer

    Herbie looks like a cross between a rumba and a heart monitor. I really dig the looks. Im not a fan of whips,kind of a hassle. I'm really interested:cool: but my wallet winces every time I open this thread. It cant take another 500 dollar hit.. Hope the creators will be coming on the forum...
  20. Nbajunkie

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Large bowls are just messier.But they last much longer... No restrictions in my draw. A grind too fine will easily clog up your screen . no matter how much I brush in between bowls..I find I like a more coarse grind with my minivap. 20 minute iso soaks clean up the straws, baskets ,and cone.I...
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