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  1. MarcellusWiley

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Last he said it would be about a week between 350 and 450 preorders receiving their e-mail confirmations. This was said about 1-2 months ago though.
  2. MarcellusWiley

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    Man that sucks really bad about the failed run. As far as I can tell... the parchment paper i'm using is just a local grocery stores own brand, has nothing on it about high-temp anything or any lining. Just says parchment paper. The butane doesn't really seep into the paper at all for me...
  3. MarcellusWiley

    how to free a stuck GonG joint?

    Mine hasn't gotten THAT stuck yet...but personally I always use the "slight wiggle" movement, just back and forth with the bowl on the joint and it will usually come out. I think that is the best movement you can use with your hands to manipulate it tbh. Not sure what else to tell you as I...
  4. MarcellusWiley

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    If you make sure the complete pyrex is lined, it wont go anywhere near the borders as long as what you are using is large enough. and as the butane evaporates the oil is settled on the place of the parchment where you blasted it in the center, as it is very sticky you can kind of scrape it...
  5. MarcellusWiley

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    I guess next time i can take some more pictures so you can get the idea of what i'm talking about. Basically I just take a fairly large piece of parchment and line the pyrex dish with it, use something like string or electric tape or something on the outside and underneath to keep the parchment...
  6. MarcellusWiley

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    7gs in : 1.11g out, and I lost a bit cause it was very shattery on the razorblade. Great yield this time! Has anyone else tried blasting directly onto parchment? It has been working amazingly well for me and I haven't noticed anything coming off the paper at all, as far as residue or anything...
  7. MarcellusWiley

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    I got in the D3 beta as well 2-3 months ago. Haven't tried the latest patches but it was very polished and fun from what I played. Played Demon Hunter. It's interesting how the skills work, you can get up to a certain number of "active skills" and you can equip them to be used, and the rest of...
  8. MarcellusWiley

    Vaporizing is drying my lungs out.

    Well that's what I was trying to say lol. I use my 4 piece and just turn it upside down (without the kief catch part) and just grind away until it is very fine. it doesn't fall through the screen because it is upside down so it continues to be ground up. way easier than scissors and you can...
  9. MarcellusWiley

    Vaporizing is drying my lungs out.

    I don't see why a 4 piece can't get the grind fine enough. I take the top two pieces, with the teeth, put my buds in and grind them upside down in that part very nicely and then pop it on the rest of the grinder then turn it a couple more times to get the bud to fall through. the more I grind...
  10. MarcellusWiley

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Not really interested until now... With the update that will allow you to use your Ipad/ other tablets such as Kindle Fire to play Onlive games (Xbox 360 / PS3, ect.) wirelessly with their controller on your tablet. Pretty revolutionary. I'm still a PC gamer mainly and wouldn't really have...
  11. MarcellusWiley

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Still loving Battlefield 3. Recently got in the DOTA 2 beta and am absolutely loving that as well!
  12. MarcellusWiley

    Rand Paul Makes My Day!
  13. MarcellusWiley

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    You know i only did a quick 5min purge and whip in the oven at 170f and then another 5 mins in the water bath with some "less than boiling" water, could probably purge it one more time but I had something to do so I just left it as is. So I'm not exactly sure it is "all" out but I think most of...
  14. MarcellusWiley

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    Got some really dense, very sticky buds my friend called "blueberry". smells like what you'd expect but I mean hard to tell what it really would be. very nice, dense buds and super sticky and lots of crystals when broken up! Anyway... 7.06g in : 1.03g out Very nice yield I was super...
  15. MarcellusWiley

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Yea I'm not saying I know or anything but would just assume he has some sort of deal worked out with them. Just figured. if he made his deal to create the HTs and then just sold his own stuff they probably wouldn't be too excited to make things for him in the future. I mean look at how popular...
  16. MarcellusWiley

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Logic behind NOT releasing heating unit by itself: Business decision. When you make a deal with three of the best glassblowers around, they kinda want people to buy their product, so I'm sure SM made a deal with the glass blowers that he will sell the clouds with their product for the first...
  17. MarcellusWiley

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Agreed on the rechargable battery. It looks "hand-held" enough and that would really up the usability of the unit.
  18. MarcellusWiley

    Starting to think vaping is not the answer....?

    I chalk it up to different strokes for different folks.
  19. MarcellusWiley

    Member of the Month Contest Ideas Wanted!

    If this idea goes through Vitolo definitely deserves first honors!
  20. MarcellusWiley

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Why will it "in no way be better than the Volcano"? Most people actually prefer direct-draw vapes to bag-only vapes like Volcanos too. I don't really get where you are coming from with this statement other than opinion.
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