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  1. skyline

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Both t-dub and I have posted comparisons to the HA in response to another user. Search this thread for Herbalaire and you'll probably find them. I think a summary of what I said was herbalaire = durability and lower cost with great performance, cloud = higher price, less durability, but...
  2. skyline

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    This has been posted before, but Kulture has curved bubbler mouthpieces designed for bubblers they sell that are pretty similar to the Devastator. I use one of those mouthpieces as a dry hitter and it's perfect, it's like casually sipping a classy straw from a soda can of vapor. :) VXL should...
  3. skyline

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Wait, I've been using a wine bottle cork to plug my joint when I clean with Iso. Are there any known dangers to this? I would have thought that it'd be pretty benign.
  4. skyline

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    No problem, Stu. I think the fact that the entire airpath of this vape can be easily cleaned by Iso soak makes the Cloud even more awesome! :)
  5. skyline

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    ^ Stu: It's pretty simple and it is safe, provided you are careful with where you pour your Iso. It's safe because the glass tube in the Cloud has no openings other than the male joint and the orifice at the bottom. Just plug up the male joint of your Cloud, and flip it upside down on a cup...
  6. skyline

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Mine gets yellow after just one session with Chamomile. Before my break, I remember a faint smell from the joint after a few uses. I think its bound to happen, some of the vapor will just condense on the joint no biggie. Just swab it with a Q-tip and you'll be fine! I also think it's possible...
  7. skyline

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    My Pax just came! Got to play around with it a bit, and upon giving it a shake to check the battery, the oven lid flew off and I spent a couple minutes searching for it lol. :doh: When I'm off of my break and actually have precious herb in the chamber I pray I'll remember to just shake it gently ...
  8. skyline

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    After looking into this vape, I got more and more tempted and finally caved and ordered it. Too bad I'm on a T-break! Arghhh why does this thing have to be so cool ... finally a portable vape that doesn't attract any attention or require any fumbling with batteries. Seems like the perfect vape...
  9. skyline

    vapor science

    haha well if you attend a university and they pay for subscriptions to academic journals then search your research database for "Cannabis smoke condensate III: The cannabinoid content of vaporised Cannabis sativa." They compare ratios of THC, THCA, CBG, and CBN released at 3 temperature settings...
  10. skyline

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Oh man ... these bubblers are so cheap... I told myself I wouldn't buy more glass and that my 9mm thick bong would last me many years ... but dang those look like they'd be so fun with the Cloud! Curse all...
  11. skyline

    Sipper style bub ?

    These concentrate rigs are only 5" tall: Video: This is 7": And these are 6.5" tall...
  12. skyline

    Sipper style bub ?

    Oh I see, then you'd need a pipe that's exceptionally small and meant for discreet/portable use. Something like this? This is another version of the same thing but has a showerhead stem for better diffusion...
  13. skyline

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    ^ I think that's polycarbonate not glass, and the downstem ... looks to be a glass one actually. But it's probably removable and replaceable like with any non-fixed downstem bong. Edit: I've always wondered this but I've never done the research ... is Polycarbonate a safe material to use? I...
  14. skyline

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    You could take one of those metal wire coat hangers and untwist it to form a long flexible wire, then somehow attach a magnet to the end to fish for your PAX. I've used a coat hanger like this for a similarly helpless situation... when I got locked out my auto-locking apartment room with no...
  15. skyline

    Zob UFO Perc Beaker, 14.5 inches

    Hey y'all, this is my beautiful Zob UFO Perc Beaker.:) I got this pipe back in June, and I only used it for one month before getting my HVY 9mm Showerhead. So since then I've had this baby set to be sold and it's been clean and unused since then! It is in the condition that I bought it in...
  16. skyline

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    ^ sunsett70, yeah the valerian root particles were just way too fine that they actually freely flowed through the holes in the mesh of the ELB. When I grind Chamomile or other herbs, even to a fine grind, none of the herb comes out of those holes in the ELB. They just don't get small enough...
  17. skyline

    Sipper style bub ?

    Do you mean like when there's a mouthpiece you put your mouth on instead of a big opening you put your lips into? Edit: Wait you said mini ... Gravlabs makes a something called a Helix pipe that has 3 types of attachments, one of them is a bubbler...
  18. skyline

    Studying & Vaping

    I totally wish I could study high.... then I wouldn't be on a T-break right now. But then again being on a break helps me regain some perspective so it's all good.
  19. skyline

    A new way to make cannaoil?

    Hmm I wouldn't pump air into a non-expandable glass beaker with only the one opening that you're pumping into... Pumping it through a bong might work though. Maybe pump it through a Matrix perc or another type of perc that gets extremely good diffusion to increase the efficiency of the...
  20. skyline

    vapor science

    No problem dude. Ahh you're right about that, sorry I didn't notice that. These studies should have less risk for bias: The second article is pretty good and investigates the effects...
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