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  1. X

    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    I made some with keif the other day and let them sit out in my kitchen for ~12 hours. I didn't wrap them just left them on the counter. The old cook in me really doesn't want to let food sitting out for 2 or 3 days and then eat it. The oil will be different though. I am not worried about any...
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    Super efficient SSV wand idea

    I just put an email into 7th floor a couple days ago. I wanted to know how much experimentation they did with the wand bowl length. I was thinking it might be better for solo use if the bowl was 1/2 to maybe 1/4 of the current length. I guess I will contact some local blowers and see what I can...
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    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    That is interesting I don't need to be concerned about the smell. I still think no cook oil has merit. Does the heat actually cause something special to happen? If not then just mixing AVB and oil and letting it sit should work.
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    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    I had a thought this morning. No cook oil. I am really interested in making some brownies with my left over duff/avb. I am a little concerned about smell. I remembered reading Why couldn't this method be used for making infused canola oil. I was wondering if anyone has tried this yet. I mean it...
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