I would say that most of your complaints can be traced to vapenow or whatever the shippers site is. I think it is BS that a company couldn't figure out a wait list by themselves. I saw earlier posts from them saying to the effect "Give us an easy system and we will implement it". A...
I have ordered from 7th floor 3 times and only have one complaint. They shorted my bag. I ordered an ounce of scented wax and I got a half ounce. No big deal. Everything has arrived fine (no broken glass). Not everyone posts about good experiences with them or non-broken glass arriving etc.
SSS can you explain the process of receiving the PD. I am getting confused.
Do you get an email from vapenow when your order goes from waiting to "confirmed processing"? Same question for the shipping part. Do you have to track it or does vapenow send you an email? Thank you.
NewToVape I may have experienced a similar problem. For me I couldn't get the unit to turn off all the time. The problems you could be experiencing might just be a loose connection b/w the glass knob and the actual knob. If you pull off your glass knob you should see a medal rod with a slit...
I think those are projected ship dates. But it is a little early to say it is going to be 14/15 weeks on the dot. Every order and week could be different. The bottom you selected also may factor in.
Yea vaping is a process. When I first got my SSV I was having buyers remorse really bad. Then after playing with it for 10-15 I got high as a kite and freakin never looked back.
When I first got my SSV I stuck a digital meat thermometer in by the heating element. If I recall correctly it was in...
Awesome I don't know how I missed the release.
Tom just a general question. How long is the dvd?
I am excited. Usually my projects are all crazy and don't end up working out. Having every piece mailed and explained to me is going to rock. I am going to go to the hardware store and try and...
Guess I can add to the data set. Nice job SSS and everyone else keeping track of all the numbers and stuff.
Ordered 12/15/09
Order # 3502
Now I hope the 2nd ~8 weeks go as fast as the last 8 weeks!
On the page for the kit you also don't have M) labeled. Those just toe nail clippers? Minor I know but that is what I am here for.
Edit: I am an idiot. It says it right there I just lost it b/c I expected it to be after L. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK TOM!
More often than what I would like to admit I am using this thing on full power. When I first got it I turned it up super hot and stuck a digital thermometer in there. There wasn't much change in temp from when it was blazing red/orange hot to turned down quite a bit.
I was freaked out when I...
Most of the first batch that I made was from very very dark AVB. In general my AVB is dark brownish usually. Everything worked out fine. I am really enjoying cooking with my leftovers. One thing i stumbled across last time was...
Make a loaner for a buddy of yours. I am in the exact opposite hopefully I can build my own before I get the PD. Then I can compare my rush job to Toms and see if I am cut out for carpentry/pd makin.