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  1. Galactus

    Herb Grinders

    yea my mendo mulcher 2" vape grinder today just kinda pushed around this really sticky bud around which was slightly disappointing.. :(
  2. Galactus

    wow im really excited to get mine, just have to get my paycheck first, I love my silver surfer...

    wow im really excited to get mine, just have to get my paycheck first, I love my silver surfer but really need a portablel..
  3. Galactus

    Iolite vaporiser

    Yea i was actually wanting to use this for disk golf as well, all my friends smoke cigars when we play and id rather not combust.. Ok he says this one is a month old and its $80, so i think im going to get myself a new portable tonight :)
  4. Galactus

    Iolite vaporiser

    So would you recommend an iolite? i might be able to pick one up locally depending on price. Whats a good price do you think for a used polite?
  5. Galactus

    Vaporizer Smell

    ok, so i recently just bought a Mendo Mulcher 2" Vape grinder, and its worth the money if you were wondering. But its not as airtight as i hoped, because after reading a few posts on how much to pregrind and just out of excitement i pregrinded about half a grams worth, which for me is near a...
  6. Galactus

    My Stash

    Saw this on the tis thread, does anybody know where to get Acapulco Gold regularly? It's by far my favorite strain iv ever had and would love to know if anybody knows where to get it
  7. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    ok, just got my SSV order from their black friday sale in the mail yesterday. 40ft of whip is so excessive.. its just too much haha :) i really dont think i will ever use that much. But my main question is does anyone else have the spherical glass handsfree clip? is it easy to use? Because...
  8. Galactus

    Post What Vaporizer(s) You Currently Use And Why.

    SSV, read good reviews, got it cheap on CL
  9. Galactus

    CBD Tincture ideas

    70 cookie high.. :smug:
  10. Galactus

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    dont get the extra mouthpiece or batteries ;)
  11. Galactus

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    makes since but ill carry and extra oz or two to save $200 ;)
  12. Galactus

    baking with herbgirl - brownie edition

    can you mix fresh and avb herb?
  13. Galactus

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    can someone explain steel vs titanium? i couldnt find a clear answer in the thread...
  14. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    i have a large/medium grind going now just because im using a cheap wood grinder. Im looking to get a mendo vape grinder because i prefer a fine ground bud. but iv been meaning to ask do you call the SSV a bowl or wand? i say both just depending also what is the effect difference between...
  15. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Wow I'll look it to that thanks :)
  16. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Oh wow, I wouldn't those problems. Why would you have to pay for inconvienaces? Thanks for the heads up I guess I'll keep looking for a better portable. :)
  17. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Oh ok, thanks. Iv been interested in the PAX because I'd like a good portable, it's easier when some friends just want to hit bowls... Because its be nice to have something relative in quality to my SSV on the go. That way I don't have to prepare for activities then leave.
  18. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    oh ok, thanks being this stuff isnt turning but it still tastes fine, i guess i can keep vaping it but its just 'medicating' me to much compared to others buds. (im not a med user btw)
  19. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

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