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  1. Galactus

    Beginners Guide to Concentrates?

    Ok, because iv gotten mixed answers from a lot of different sources and i trust you guys the most. Because for 1. i hate when my room smells like pot. Its something i do and i enjoy doing but when people walk into my home i dont like them thinking "oh he is always high" - regardless if i am...
  2. Galactus

    Möbius 65b Stereo Matrix

    Yea i saw this when searching for some pieces on my trip to denver this weekend. Probably can work something out. Good choice of glass by the way ;)
  3. Galactus

    Beginners Guide to Concentrates?

    So just heating the nail and dabing it would be about the same as a full power ssv exhale smell wise?
  4. Galactus

    Beginners Guide to Concentrates?

    so would a nail and vapor dome set still exhale vapor? i was under the impression it was more smoke than anything and that would be counterproductive for me. And what i meant by run i guess was 'vaporize' like if it would vape in the vape wand with a cotton ball why wouldnt it vape 6" down the...
  5. Galactus

    Beginners Guide to Concentrates?

    ok thanks thats probably what ill do. I knew that it would dissolve pretty quickly and could ruin the screen so i figured if it was going to go out and run in the wand why wouldnt in run on the nail? but then again what do i know haha
  6. Galactus

    Beginners Guide to Concentrates?

    so what if i just vaped shatter then filtered from there? Like put the shattered into the ssv wand and then ran the tubing through some filtration. I saw some Youtube videos of that and it seemed to work pretty well. Like would that be the most optimal usage?
  7. Galactus

    Beginners Guide to Concentrates?

    i really can dab anything at this point, i have a week before i go and get everything i need in Denver. Honestly what im trying to accomplish is reducing the smell in my apartment so its really not noticable and it seems concentrates are the best way to do this. Right now im using mendo...
  8. Galactus

    Beginners Guide to Concentrates?

    oh wow thanks, that was extremely helpful. Ill probably go nail and dome for my usage then just vape it from there. And as for the concentrate ill probably go oil, seems like it would be the best for what i want out of it. really kinda noob question but could i use a nail/globe with my ssv...
  9. Galactus

    Beginners Guide to Concentrates?

    So next week im heading out to the big CO for a long weekend getaway. I have some friends out there that can help me out and go to some local dispensaries for me. At first i was thinking about getting a lot of green and bringing it home but then i thought concentrates would be nice too mostly...
  10. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

  11. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I got mine off craigslist and it works fine, i think its more who you buy it from. There's not much that can go wrong as long as the power cord is intact and the knobs not to loose. I got mine really cheap due to misuse he thought it wasnt working...*Basically he would push the herbs into the...
  12. Galactus

    Good vs Bad Glass

    wow thanks that was really helpful, but what makes certain glass better? is it smoother and better hits? Better quality in the glass? or just a brand name your buying?
  13. Galactus

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    i dont remember if i posted this here or not, but i recently got a Mendo Mulcher 2" vape grinder which was a SIGNIFICANT upgrade to the cheap $5 wood grinder i had. I dont think its a placebo effect when i say the high is better..
  14. Galactus

    Good vs Bad Glass

    Can someone explain to me the difference between good and bad glass? Maybe pictures? I just don't understand the difference when comparing $100 to $500 bongs and bubblers..
  15. Galactus

    "Cyclone" mini Tube

    how tall is it?
  16. Galactus

    What should i buy to cool the vapor?

    Would you say the Aquavape would work better than one of the AshCatchers you have for sale? I know THC is water soluble so id lose a little bit of an effect, something i dont want, but i do need something to make the vapor cooler and easier to take in. The A/C seems near perfect but it seems...
  17. Galactus

    What should i buy to cool the vapor?

    oh wow thanks, never thought about that ill look into it and see if that works. it sounds exactly what i need, just a extra desktop part for a quick cool down. :)
  18. Galactus

    What should i buy to cool the vapor?

    What should i buy? Im new to glass, really dont own any custom or good glass really other than the mouthpiece and knobs on my SSV and a few pieces i have from when i combust. But I'm looking for some type of glass or anything really to help cool down and improve my vaping experience, but dont...
  19. Galactus

    Christmas giveaway! MFLB

    Wow, way to brighten the spirt! Just gave an old grinder and pipe to a friend of mine to day as a little seasonal gift MERRY VAPEMAS TO ALL!
  20. Galactus

    Steele Concept Christmas Contest - FREE GIVEAWAY

    National Lampoon: Christmas Vacation. Such a classic..
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