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  1. Raf007

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Damend you Smartfast I thought this was a new add on to the LB ! Great story though...and greatd idea ! :brow:
  2. Raf007

    Discontinued The Oracle Infrared Vaporizer

    It really depends on how you use the machine with your bong. If you plug the whip to the bong with the balloon then whenever you don't hit the bong it will fill the balloon. Like when you don't use a bong actually. Whenever using direct draw, you are right, either you use the ballon for when you...
  3. Raf007

    HDV (Herbes deja vaporises) ou AEV (a t vaporis)? Terminologie ..

    Bon voila suite au poste de FLskwat, je me dis qu'il est temps d'ouvrir le dbat.... et puis j'aime bien l'embter un peu. :brow: Toute la question est quel acronyme utiliser pour l'quivalent anglais ABV (already been vaped) ? Je me posais justement la question dernirement et suis venu cette...
  4. Raf007

    Efficiency: a lost art?

    +1 for Charlie Someone I just vape coz it's so damned good ! not really to get fucked up at all.
  5. Raf007

    Discontinued The Oracle Infrared Vaporizer

    Thanks you for your answer about simmering , didn't see it passed. Makes me feel bettereventhough I don't know why but I still prefer a bowl able to cool down :)
  6. Raf007

    vaporgnie : en savoir plus

    hh pas de quoi ! Plus tu vas tu faire des tests, plus tu vas trouver ta meilleure faon de faire.
  7. Raf007

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Lwien you crack me up ! Made me laugh out load in the metro. :D I also should thanks Vapemania for these pieces of high literature. Anyway, I am still looking to find someone who tried this vape, and given that the european market is still at its infancy when it comes to vapes I understand how...
  8. Raf007

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    @Davidwu. That was a good extensiv review, thx ! I do agree with what you pointed out, temp dial moving, water adapter screen moving etc... But I feel like I have to give my :2c: en some stuffs you stated: Fisrt I realy don't know what's going on with their hole in the HC concerning the...
  9. Raf007

    too much of a good thing? Cannabis and Schizophrenia

    of course: Schwarcz G, Karajgi B, Improvementss in refractory psychosis with dronabinol: four case reports. J Clin psychiatry 2010;71(11)1552-3
  10. Raf007

    vaporgnie : en savoir plus

    Tout dpend de l'tat de ta gorge et de sa sensibilit. Mais oui un gros nuage de vapeur ou tu prends tout d'un coup, typique avec le VG quand tu montes trs voir trop haut en temprature en une latte, ca peut t'irriter la gorge. loignes ta flamme, ou aspire plus vite, c'est un coup de main pas...
  11. Raf007

    vaporgnie : en savoir plus

    Salut toi ! et bienvenue dans un nouveau monde :) Pr te donner quelques prcisions en plus: la vapeur ne sera jamais aussi visible que de la fume, mais visible cependant. Dans les videos que tu as pu voir il y a des "trucages", cad un fond noir, une lumiere oriente de la bonne faon afin de...
  12. Raf007

    Another reason I hate the black market

    I feel you here AGBeer ! As time passes by it's just a hassle every time I have to go most here, it's not the guy, it's the area or/AND just the fact that I have to go there or there, at that time of the day. I just wish I could go around the corner in a regular shop...and when I...
  13. Raf007

    too much of a good thing? Cannabis and Schizophrenia

    just to add my part, MJ has been recently discovered to help in 4 cases of schyzophrenia. And , yes thanks a lot for your history Herbgirl, this could help a lot of people especially those still living in countries where MJ is not medical and where you still hear propaganda about MJ.
  14. Raf007

    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    Yep !! Bienvenue tous les amatrices/teurs de vapeurs ! j'espere que vous vous sentirez/nous nous sentirons tout aussi bien que l'on se sent bien sur la section anglaise.
  15. Raf007

    Vaping at max temperature still healther then smoking or no?

    Triple S, there is no way to go near combustion with your cano as Pakalolo stated...I don't know if you have seen black ABV already, but afa my experience goes with my own old Cano, I never have black ABV like I can have with a vape where you can go in higher temps. But maybe you should also...
  16. Raf007

    Discontinued The Oracle Infrared Vaporizer

    The Oracle I own/share heats up within seconds, you can really press the button and get nice vapor within the first 15 sec ( I do not dare say 10 but I do think that I reached vapor in less than 10 sec). So I guess you might have an issue here. I kinf of agree with you on th bowl, another con...
  17. Raf007

    Bag Vape with Valve Mouthpiece?

    yup in your money range, it's herbalaire or EQ. With the possibility to adapt the cano solid valve to a Q...there is a post somewhere on FC about that. If I had to choose I would go The Oracle, especially that they are going to have a valv mouthpiece soon. But that's only me, and be aware that...
  18. Raf007

    Just Got My Vape, Need Help

    @AGBeer : apparently it was on purpice....:D @Vapemania: Me neither, although I'm almost sure there exist some honorable box vapes. Sorry to have noticed the date "dude"... word.
  19. Raf007

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    @silver420surfer xcuse my "bad french" I meant, it did a hole on my gf fleece blanket which I was using. My gf was just really upset coz it was a gift and of course blamed it on all my hazardous vape toys :D But if it actually had fallen on my bearskin, I would not be smiling at all, even less...
  20. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    ok, thx. Will wait then, but I'd like to make sure I can still confirm my order like any US customer that's in the line when they will ship to all the US pre orders;
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